Frage von sotusa:
I want my film of the SonyHDR-CX505VE is in AVCHD format, in a WMV format and convert without having any loss of quality. Sonyhat Pmb included a program reproduces the AVCHD format, but I want to edit my movie in Vegas pro9.0 and later convert without quality loss. So far I have tried it and Windows Media Player has reproduced the videos in a poorer quality, but I have rendered in full HD (1920-1080)
*** Notice of admin: double-asked question in a thread together ***
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Sotusa
From version 3 supports the H.264 WMP synonymous. So I would not change and what has Deti above applies, synonymous here. You H.264 with one of the best current (adaptive) codecs, while more efficient bitrate. You will walk, you lose inevitably one (or both) benefits.
Antwort von sotusa:

what do you mean with windows media player version 3? I have windows media player12. and what is format for h264? oh and if I convert the AVCHD files without wmv with good extensively he can resist not exist.
Antwort von Mylenium:
So far I have tried it and Windows Media Player has reproduced the videos in a poorer quality, but I have rendered in full HD (1920-1080) Yes, precisely. If one of a compressed format to another compressed format, it gets no better time now. Since you have been to bite the bullet and take Quicktime or Windows AVI with the lossless codecs ...
Antwort von sotusa:

And as with the velustvreien gaht the codes?
Antwort von sotusa:

I currently have the following programs:
Windows Media Player 12
Sony Vegas Pro 9.0
SonyPMB (Mitgelifertes program SonyHandycam HDR-CX505VE)
Windows Movie Maker
How can I now have a video of SonyPBM stored as a file to convert AVCHD so either way make me s.Ende a file with the Windows Media Player did, with or open any other program, and the video s. circuit has NO loss of quality. So still full HD. Then I want the video to
Full HD on Youtube upload. I Can anyone find a solution to this problem ???????