Frage von telex:why run demos of Wolfgang's homepage on the *. mts format I can not quite fluent. Light Ruckler when playing with the Windows Media Player Classiv. VLC plays garnicht from. Zoomplayer not synonymous.
Here I would go until a new PC built with dual-core E6700. Runs on 3 Ghz. 2Gbyte RAM and a Geforce 8800GTX.
Antwort von wolfgang:
Have you ever tried Power DVD Ultra? Might is a decoder in the system unsuitable to be .... or the box is in spite of 2-core and 3 Ghz is still too weak performance?
Antwort von telex:
times must I install ...
Antwort von telex:
Power DVD is cleaner (not ultra)
but needs a long time to start.
Antwort von telex:
Wolfgang why many downloads on your site no longer exists. Demos as the FX1 and FX 7 or downloads a lot of pictures ...?
Antwort von wolfgang:
That you must Wolfgang (trunk) to ask - the name of equality!