Frage von Nac_Nac:
Why AVI files can be created vo other editing programs, not of Pinnacle 9.4.3 pros be opened. Can someone please help me because?
Antwort von coconut:

So, to my knowledge, created the WMM wmv files.
Others can not open for editing, since there is a patent law ;-). Now if no one wants to pay the royalties, then .....
For example, the synonymous vitualDub may not open, follow with regard to the corresponding Patentrechliche ...
Remedy: in fact in a different format (eg, convert to avi).
Programs but the good taste .... and it's quality.
The best just not at rummachen with the MM, but use just a "right" program.
Antwort von Voltz:

The Windows Movie Maker creates DV-AVI Type 1
Pinnacle Studio 9 can only handle DV AVI Type 2.
You'd have to convert the AVI file that is, in type 2. The easiest way to with the TRex tool, which you can download here, for example (3 MB):
Antwort von Nac_Nac:

Thanks for the quick help.
MFG Nac_Nac