Frage von ferhat:
Hi All,
'd da mal ne Frage:
Since I wanted to digitize my VHS collection and was tired of grinding the material is always by my digicam with me, I've got reloaded Nero 6.
First Test with 5 minutes ner synonymous sequence went just wonderful,
Surface didactic starting material was Avi and could be edited in Pinnacle, both in Premiere Pro as synonymous.
After I had the whole movie of 60 minutes then added (20 GB), then it was funny:
Premiere of the clip could be imported, instead of 60 min film has always seemed just the beginning of 90 seconds, then scythe.
At Pinnacle the clip appeared on the clipboard, but in the film is nich drag strip, each error message.
Why might that be? Gibts ne Avi size limit?
Can I set Nero the format in which the film is to be saved?
And if we're at it:
If everything went well, there are there. Filter for Premiere, which are especially suitable for older VHS movies.
That's enough erstmal.
Thank you all new guts and n even,
Antwort von cgbln:

What did you verwendet.Pinnacle Pinnacle version 10 is still is full of childhood diseases and of the problem had already heard more often.
The problem appears to synonymous, if you're playing the video with Windows Media Player, the crash comes when you eg
Players in the 35th or 50 Player vorziehst.Der minutes then finds its use any more, the system hangs and can only with the task manager could beenden.Dann following times helfen.Überprüfe the defragmentation status of the hard drive, you see a lot of red and it is proposed that the volume should be defragmented, which could cause sein.Nur is there another problem that when recording the video program, the data stored on the cross and cross your hard drive, what can this state verursacht.Das Defragprogramm with files of this size are often not successfully defragment. Then it may help to copy the file to another partition on the hard drive, because while the data is stored on another clean partition by copying, the copy may be approximately 15-30 minutes dauern.Die Zielpartiton should be defragmented before You Kopierst.Kopieren no risk for data hiding and Videoqualität.Auf choose to move a case, because of risk of data loss in the crash
The Windows Explorer may crash the process of Totalcammander is safer to copy large Dateien.Der errors could thus be eliminated.
Antwort von Markus:

What speaks against it, bringing the analog VHS recordings on the camcorder to digitize and to the PC? This solution seemed so simple and easy-going. - Especially since it does not seem synonymous. ;-)
PS: Digital video should show about 13 GB per hour and not 20 GB. How do you captures (format, image size ,...)?