Frage von dakaru:
Hello dear Filmmakers,
da mal ne might question:
Work s.der University s.einem vehicle project in which we crash tests with a high speed camera was added.
For the presentation, I wanted to make one compilation with Adobe Premiere. When you import the videos but I keep getting error messages regarding compatibility.
Now my question: How can I tell at what codec it is precisely at these videos and I like those convertible into Adobe Premiere-compatible code?
Thank you very much.
Antwort von Stefan:

Quickly goes codec with Gspot.
I do not understand why most of the asker are so reluctant to give the exact error messages. The chance to quickly solve the problem would simply be higher.
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von dakaru:

Hello Stefan,
erstmal Thanks for your answer.
I get the following information with GSpot - codec name: Indeo Interactive
The error in Adobe Premiere is:
"The file has an unsupported compression on."
Antwort von Markus:

Hi Daniel,
GSpot tells you what codec you need to install so that Premiere can handle the AVI file. If you do not have this codec, sometimes google then ...
But caution in codec packs:
Adobe Premiere: program no longer works
Antwort von dakaru:

Thank you very much.
Now it works.
Genuine animal gut. Great forum. See you soon:)