Frage von HASENZAHN:
Hello everybody!
I'm busy for some time a problem s.meinem AVID express pro 4.2er. After each program, I must reboot my desktop on the desktop re-sort: The timeline is überm Composer and all windows are s.ungewünschten places.
How can I get my settings on this to ensure that every time I did not when I rebooted the program had all the windows first awkward step in the right Poistion must bring?
Thank you for your help!
Lieben Gruß
Rabbit tooth
Antwort von Genevare:

directed times the surface to look like it is your wish. Then go to "tools" and choose "Save Current".
it should actually work ...
Antwort von hasenzahn:
directed times the surface to look like it is your wish. Then go to "tools" and choose "Save Current".
it should actually work ... Thanks for the tip!
I have versiuht - unfortunately without result. The "unwanted" order remains after each reboot.
What could probably are?
hasen dental
Antwort von xandix:

Had the problem been synonymous.
for me it was because (the system with 2 monitors) established the right Monitor Monitor 1 was (in Windows - Properties of display - settings), the left was 2nd Monitor In addition, both have different resolutions.
With this "wrong" order comb the AVID software can not cope and has always led to your phenomenon.
Look after, maybe helps ...