Frage von charletto:
Now times have ne question PP CS4. Have to do a few days experimenting (had previously PP 2) I like the program synonymous, which my colleague would make it synonymous sell - it has already synonymous program on the laptop. Therefore the question is an activation of the program with me überhaubt possible if it had been activated several times? MW can do so after only 2 x activiert, ie if I like it I used to buy, I can yes garnicht longer use - or I see this wrong?
On the other hand: I had a colleague of told me from the Forum, he is now synonymous proud owner of a Z 1 and has been synonymous ne inquiry into the forum asked: However, my account - we have only one PC in the shop and I never log me out - which is why this statement, so mea culpa!
So, that was it, I hope as always for your help
Antwort von frm:

It can be 3 times of 3 computers on. Then you call. To my knowledge it is activated software is not selling because umaktivieren on your behalf is not working.
Antwort von Mylenium:
Now times have ne question PP CS4. Have to do a few days experimenting (had previously PP 2) I like the program synonymous, which my colleague would make it synonymous sell - it has already synonymous program on the laptop. Therefore the question is an activation of the program with me überhaubt possible if it had been activated several times? MW can do so after only 2 x activiert, ie if I like it I used to buy, I can yes garnicht longer use - or I see this wrong? Huh? Hello police! I make phone calls like with'm prosecutor ... Plaintext: Wenner's vertickt you, he's off, all the data over to enclose the original invoice, "Transfer of Adobe License" form. Everything else is a violation of the Terms of Use and so criminally relevant. And you have 2 activations, but not to use p.3. To be revealed, which means they may only be used on your systems.
Antwort von charletto:

so I see about the so synonymous, but I think that because I prefer to let their fingers like this. Otherwise I get after purchase without coal with his program is not functioning there.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

What surprised me is that your colleague CS4 hmmm after about 2 months ago, now wants to sell.
B. DeKid
Antwort von charletto:

Due beruflichlen switch to Apple.