Frage von blacksolomon:
hallo leute their love, I want my Adobe After Effects CS4 on German and Adobe After Effects cs3 install it in English with me because the English and German tutorials can clearly understand and can edit.
The question is if I have such a plugin to install CS4 will be synonymous in cs3 displayed? if I do it? asking for help
Thank you
Antwort von Mylenium:
hallo leute their love, I want my Adobe After Effects CS4 on German and Adobe After Effects cs3 install it in English with me because the English and German tutorials can clearly understand and can edit. Is it nonsense!
AfterFX.exe-L en_US for English,
AfterFX.exe-L en_US for German in CS4
The question is if I have such a plugin to install CS4 will be synonymous in cs3 displayed? if I do it? asking for help
Thank you No.. Either in the Plug-ins folder or a link to each other plug-in folder. But watch out for duplicates and so ... Can AE completely smearing bring OpenGL twice as if trying to load ...