Frage von Gast:
with some DVDs, there is a possibility that occurs while the main movie a button when it is expressed as a "Making Of" the scene is shown and the end of the slot returns to Haptfilm
(eg "Finding Nemo" and "The Hulk").
As we realized this "effect" with Adobe Encore 1.5? It may consume more space on the DVD, because it acts like a Motionmenu?
Thanks in advance
Antwort von Markus:

Hello Horst,
I have not experimented a lot with Encore, as I often work with ReelDVD. To my knowledge, put buttons in the current film is one of the disciplines of the King DVD-authoring, which can only be realized with scripts. This will rely on in-depth knowledge of the DVD specification required to ensure compatibility with standard DVD players to ... not to jeopardize
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Guest: if you to play instead of a film as film (from a timeline into Encore), this film as a background of a menu Insert Object (yes, it's possible!), then you have possibilities of wider.
draufpappst long as you on that menu object nothing less than the film, does it look as if a normal film would be played. so far so good ... But now comes the clou:
cut your film into several pieces in the NLE there where you want to let zb popup a button, and then back where it should disappear. Now you make multiple menu objects and their location on the next End action menu for (one has indeed a long menu, which you can set. it will fall in your car on the length of the film clips draufliegenden 'set.). in this way each menu (with the film taking place calls on it) directly to the next menu and the movie seems to be just the beginning of play to the end.
on the one menu, which buttons you want to have one, you do this on it with the corresponding verlinkung what new (the Making Of! tahh ta!). If the buttons is pressed, the user branches to Making Of. if not, just play the menu object by changing its background film s.and End Action to the next, and nothing has happened next. cool, eh?
Antwort von Markus:
... Just play the menu object by changing its background film s.and End Action to the next, and nothing has happened next. Unlike scripting Menuwechsel occur during each short "trailer" in the video.