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hab mal ne frage ... really important as I can in 1.5, adobe encore slideshow such a way that the images that I insert into the window cut ONLY by next or forward button on the remote control to jump next?
echt super * important *
Many thanks in advance!
your bitbitboy!
Antwort von Calimero77:

I should do the same with 100 image files and have then created for each picture, a new menu. First, I created a background in Photoshop, then imported into Encore as a menu and at the bottom of 3 different buttons (back, forward, create the main menu), plus a meter (a box and a text field with numbers) to renumber. This menu I have copied 100x (which is very easy in Encore). Then I imported the image files as assets and successively used.
I recommend making a big memory, because the images are all loaded with the Project.