Frage von tinaz:
Hello everybody,
I hope there is someone here to help ...
adobe encore when I wanted to save my project under a new name, said at once -
"Illegal mode for photoshop image file. Use photoshop to convert to rgb."
Now I can not open my project, because every time this message comes!
though I had changed nothing and all the photoshop files that could be meant, I checked on rgb mode ...
it is a jammer ... : (Just when I really with the whole project was finished.
someone knows what to do here?
Many thanks and nice weekend
Antwort von Superjoe:

Your Menu PSD data are therefore without exception, in RGB and not CMYK? Funny mistake ...
Antwort von LuFaHa:

Do try to move all the time to PSDs (in Win Explorer), so Encore can no longer find it at first. Then you can probably open your project and include file name again to save (backup). Now you import all PSDs again and wait, whether for one of these import again the error occurs.
If so grab on your "backup copy" back and create the appropriate PSD new ...
Good luck
Antwort von brothermikee:

hello and thank you for your reply,
have become synonymous rausgefunden himself what was going on.
project in the cache folder to get there is actually a couple of photoshop files that are well prepared to represent dasmenu subpicture. they were somehow corrupted. They have to be able to open psd, cmyk mode briefly and then back again as rgb mode and put drübergesaved. then I could oöffen my project in encore again. juchuu