Frage von A.G Musketier:Hi,
I work are a couple of weeks with Adobe Encore CS 5 and a problem which I can not solve.
I created a DVD with a voice menu which has 6 buttons.
1. German 5.1
2. German 2.0
3. English 5.1
4. English 2.0
5. Main Menu
6. Film resume
Now I want to program this menu so that when I click on 1-4 of the film in the respective starts Language and if I'm in the movie button and the remote press menu again in the voice menu and I can choose only the language of the film then does not start immediately but I at first sixth Movie country continue (as it's most Purchase DvDs) the film has to go here next s.der same place where I stopped.
I hope I've explained to some extent understandable and I can help someone.
Greetings AG
Antwort von Alf_300:
You should go and gaze a few times Kaufdvds because usually comes first, the language, then the main menu.
Antwort von A.G Musketier:
Help me now synonymous not ...
Antwort von Jollitop:
If I'm not entirely incorrect, scripting such a thing, as the current audio selection is stored in a variable. Something I know with Encore is not possible.
Antwort von A.G Musketier:
So when I start the movie first and then go back to language menu does it all but if I (have to say without the movie before started again) first go to the language menu and select a language wants nothing works.
There must be a solution ...
thing is to select from her would have if I go into the language menu and a Language and the Language of the film then goes into an extra back to language menu but I do not know how to specify the language which he then jump to another menu and not in the first.