Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Adobe Photoshop CS3 rumors of thomas - 8 Dec 2006 16:39:00 Rumors on Think Secret "According to the interface of Adobe Photoshop CS3 in appearance and handling much of the After Effects 7 are similar, including the sliding and miniemierbaren Menufenster. Also, Intel Macs of Photoshop CS3 natively supports and 3-D objects may be imported. For videographers interesting: Photoshop will film strips can capture and send as markers with PSDs save that of After Effects and Premiere are interpreted. Appear Photoshop CS 3 in early summer 2007.
Antwort von mw:

According to recent rumors, a beta of CS3 may already be published this week - so at least Apple Insider, evidence on Mac gadget.
Well, because we are anxious times.
Antwort von mw:

And when is Premiere Pro 3.0? ;)
Antwort von mw:

Heard premiere for CS? Then probably synonymous later this year, as a beta. But mostly it is anyway different than you think to believe - I would rather want to know, when it finally Avid creates a UB of Xpress to publish (planned was December, but there is probably synonymous only desire, father of the idea have been ).