Frage von frm:
Hallo leute,
to do better, I hbenutze Windows Vista 64 with 8 GIG Ram. So I have the following problem with Photoshop64. I participate in the check Voreistellungen Open GL activate unchecked. In the normal version of Photoshop (at 64 bit so he installs two versions) it works perfectly and I, for example, can rotate the photos synonymous.
See screenshot in attachment!
Antwort von Shiranai:

I think that perhaps has to do with the 64-bit version with updates behind. I had recently also problems with OpenGL and After Effects, after the update, he realized the graphics card. Just wait for the next update ...
Antwort von frm:

Schade wär so beautiful that you could work with 64bit
Thank you very much
Perhaps I'll call the Dutchman at Adobe.
Schönen Gruß
Antwort von unodostres:

Does your GraKa OpenGL? Do you have the right drivers installed?
Antwort von frm:

Drivers is the right thing, I now work with the 32 bit verision because it works. I think it's a bug in the HP 64 bit
Antwort von soahC:

For me it works flawlessly.
Vista64, 8Gig Ram and GeFroce GTX 260
Antwort von Jake the rake:

For me synonymous with a 7600 or so ...