Frage von tri:
hello together
I have the following problem and that
I have a p4 computer 2.66 GHz, 1gm ram and use the panasonic nv-ds 99th
now if I HOST with adobe, I have always s.linken edge of the image black stripes, which I nich get away, have tried so much already, but unfortunately took me no little, perhaps because you have solutions, what else could I try?
lg tri
Antwort von Ivy:

Strange, of the Prob is heard more often lately. We all still believe that there could be a firewire issue, and therefore you could try three things:
1.) The whole s.einem Calculator another try.
2.) The whole thing with trying a different cable.
3.) The whole thing with another program to try to capture (although this should be no problem at Adobe itself, so concentrated you on point 1 and 2, unless you have not installed the latest updates?)
Otherwise, read 'synonymous times
here here. Lg,
Antwort von judas_77:

so 3 I've changed now hang s.einem other computer, but there is the same prob
the other, I often see that it is on both sides, here it is only 1 page, and although the left.
synonymous but what surprised me is that when I say 768 * 576 and then more comes out 720 * 576.
I know net, it would be possible, these are my settings wrong, I'm burning eigendlich imer on dvd.
lg tri
Antwort von Ivy:

Hmm, then it may be because not therefore seem to lie.
Is it so that a piece of the picture (the picture that is missing is simply moved too far to the left) or is the picture entirely, and for the window too small? Both would be even with the option "image size and position can be set up. Now my knowledge of Adobe is restricted more than the latest on the manual implementation of these commands, I can not help you more. But the rest of the Forum ... ;-)