Frage von phusi:
Have recently Adobe Premiere 4.0 on a freshly installed system attached. Windows XP SP 2, plus updates and the following hardware:
Pentium 4 HT 2.6 GHz
1. 160 GB SATA HDD
2. 120 GB SATA HDD
3. HDD 400 GB PATA
Nvida graphics card with 128 MB RAM
In addition to Premiere Elements 4.0, I have several plug-ins of Adorage and SmartSound installed.
The program closes itself every few minutes of itself the longer the duration of the project is, the more crashes the program. Never in my friend circle someone with the same problem.
What are your experiences with Premiere Elements 4.0?
Thanks for your comments and any instructions. [/ B]
Antwort von kayburg:

Do you have the original or a download version?
When the download version I have ever heard.
If you with this configuration, but want to edit HD, synonymous, it is no wonder that it does not.
Adobe writes on the package as a minimum requirement for HDV: Pentium 4 with
3 GHz - as I said, at least!
On my dual core it is running smoothly!
Antwort von phusi:

Thanks for the hint.
Ok, I work on HD material. But as I said, the processor is HT. My friend, however, has a quad-processor. He worked only DV Matieral, but has also constantly crashes. However, he works with the download version.
I remain s.Ball.
Antwort von kayburg:

I had the same problem more often now with After Effects CS3 under Vista. Just always weggebrochen without notice.
Since I have been all OpenGL stuff in AFX have deactivated, it can run completely around again. (yet somehow stupid without GL).
Since the engines are now so similar, could be synonymous an OpenGL problem. As far as I know, uses synonymous Premiere Elements for a few things that graphics card (and the synonymous Adorage plugins).
Unfortunately I do not own premiere elements, so you could maybe help someone else how to as the GL stories abdreht test.