Frage von Ralfus:
Zusammen.Also Hello, I use Vdl15pro and small hab da ne Frage.Ich have since Clipgenerator NEN small Weihnachtsclip erstellt.Leider is used throughout the film the advertisement (see Picture )............ Is there ne way to remove? Ever grateful for every tip.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

And the picture of you presented is hardly possible
B. DeKid
Antwort von CommiXV:

gaaanz this is difficult because you vmtl. not as two separate tracks are searched (advertising + background)
What you can do, takes time and is mühseelig, but may work: Every single frame per image editing nachretuschieren. More remains danicht really left.
Antwort von Ralfus:

Yes, this will probably not see klappen.Dann stop advertising ... no preference.
Here is the link to the Page is very funny ... ... Ciao and thanks for your help.
Antwort von ksr:

There are already methods in order to remove the logo (it's not perfect, but quite good), but they are not necessarily suitable for Beginners:
Also I think time will "Clipgenerator" synonymous that their logo in the movie is included - that you get the service free so ...
Antwort von CommiXV:

I have not even respected, as is the logo of Clipgenerator?
Antwort von Meggs:
I have not even respected, as is the logo of Clipgenerator? Nope definitely not. I do not think so. The writing is not his own name in foreign videos. That was certainly someone else.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

XLOGO may conjure away some logos, but with this on the screenshot you see particles asterisk, it will be probably very hard.
B. DeKid
PS. Find krass but the Clipgenerator with "Pop Music" for their own video advertising - GEMA history würd mich mal intressieren this regard, as is then charged.
Antwort von Meggs:

One could possibly cropping using a letterbox format out of it.
Antwort von CommiXV:
I have not even respected, as is the logo of Clipgenerator?
Nope definitely not. I do not think so. The writing is not his own name in foreign videos. That was certainly someone else. What is down there right after the export it away?