Frage von RocknRoyal:
Hi All,
I work as some knowledge with two MAC's (in the office, desktop Mac Pro & Mac Book Pro) and use FCP2, but area around the VFX for me now I want to "grow Adobe After Effects - I already use Adobe Photoshop CS3 in MAC, but I've read in a magazine such as the Photoshop CS3 on MAC has partially Preformance Problems, is the PC version, and specifically as regards the program start etc, I can confirm synonymous.
Therefore, the question - should I run better in After Effects a computer system? Since I already want to grow the Master Collection.
What do you think?
Antwort von Chezus:

After Effects runs better for me aufm Mac.
In other words, it just crashes often s.wie on the previous Windows machine;)
Personally, I'd not run it on a separate system, since I always btw the programs out and her jump.
During the cut I want to insert a clean Slowmo, jump to AE, do the clip finished, go back to Final Cut.
Graphics in PSD to create, save, see at AE, finish in AE with ProRes to Final Cut and again.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Personally, I'd not run it on a separate system, since I always btw the programs out and her jump.
..... Just move around and then everything on the net, makes sense.
I'm on one synonymous only Calculator
Maxon - (Adobe CS3, Lightroom, Bridge PS PP and AE) and Corel run
to large Wacom Board
On the other computers then others Progis .... for me it is then no preference whether nen MAC with most network wants to access, you can administer via the Server and well adjusted.
Have only 2 MAC Books in the circle of acquaintances here have access to the network structure - ie if Prob little or none at all.
B. DeKid
PS: Gabs hier nich mal ne news reporting where it was called the AE s.besten currently running on Vista?
Antwort von Manuell:

Runs really Adobe CS3 on Vista?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

No idea - to question those who rely on Vist?;-P
Antwort von Manuell:

I want to stop me buying a laptop to Dell and are working with CS3 and the downgrade of Vista to XP 50, - Euro will cost :-)
But imagine that it is worth it.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Nonsense ... Dell should supply a new lap nem you with the option to say Windows 7 Free Update .... hear you at times because, otherwise, of course, XP is still good, but Vista can be run cleanly synonymous with some tricks for without getting all the bells and whistles one needs as never as "real" user.
B. DeKid
Antwort von PowerMac:

Cutting s.Mac, AE s.PC - this is shit. Not all codecs available, gamma shift, different disk formats ...
Antwort von camworks:

And Fool on xp hurts synonymous, since more than 3 mb ram. even if windows, then 64bit. mac but I find much better.
Antwort von Mylenium:
Runs really Adobe CS3 on Vista? Yes, clearly.
Antwort von Mylenium:
Therefore, the question - should I run better in After Effects a computer system? Why? If you use Final Cut Pro, has EGFI matter ended there. Exceptionally, as has the power apple by 100% legal - Final Cut Pro Mac + PC AE - never in my life. Far too much trouble. If, then you'd have been completely consistent on PC upgrade and send your Final Cut Pro to retire ....
Antwort von Mylenium:
Gabs hier nich mal ne news reporting where it was called the AE s.besten currently running on Vista? Does it synonymous.
Antwort von camworks:

I think that you should see something more subtle.
Although Reuters cs4 is running on vista SLIGHTLY faster (;) is not better, but one has then an operating system running in the background, which in many cases the total usern spirit goes on. So you should consider very carefully whether it is this operating system (; vista) delivers the long term. especially since it is a stillbirth is and start windows 7 holes already in the stands.
Antwort von Bespi:
However, there is then an operating system running in the background, which in many cases the total usern spirit goes on. Such as?
Purely out of interest I have now been updated of my Vista 64 to 7 64, and am really excited of 7th All files and Programs from Vista were easily automatically recorded in 7th It should be mentioned, however, that was previously completely synonymous my Vista was running flawlessly and satisfactory.
So if you do not want to jump on Vista, you can already now fully focus on Windows 7. Course will be formally advised to install a release candidate s.Arbeitsrechner, but I habs no regrets.
And with a Mac, do you basically due to the smaller software diversity and generally much lower diffusion times have auto problems that can be excluded with a Windows Calculator.
LG Bespi
Antwort von camworks:

The networks are full of complaints about slow running windows-computer, because the registry inflates like a hot air balloon. the same experience I have made synonymous, and I know how to make a windows-system holds slim.
the whole system is under the surface (and, except for system developers), very opaque, and if something goes wrong, it says "new uploading (: that is synonymous to the general indicative that one then gets everywhere). it is in fact much easier to re-install everything again as the crutch resuscitation.
Software for diversity, I say only one thing: 70% of the windows in the software area are not worth the money that they cost. most commercial programs have their own windows at bedienung standards, we find the same matters are in many programs s.unterschiedlichen. silent in freeware and shareware altogether. because there are still plenty of windows and Win3.1-win98-dialog boxes, etc.
And lo and behold: there is relative with the diversity of software very quickly. prefer less software, but then ordinary, which is good and is gecoded s.The bedienung standards of the platform continues.
And then there's the price. in the mac operating system is the buying process of the next version (; snow leopard comes out in september and will) be sold as an update for 29 ®. what is the cost win7 in one version, with which you can then synonymous work properly?
Antwort von Axel:

They are back this No! But! Stories. The question of the cheaper system for AAE was differentiated response is given.
Another aspect I would like to add here. Who FCS operates on a Mac that has a kind of stripped down "AAE" with a package that is perfectly integrated with a matching workflow: Motion. It can be less, but that the handling of her better. Another option is therefore to wait for FCS 3, which should get the rumor mill that especially postpro a significant boost. And, who knows, maybe you even notice after a Reinschnuppern into the program now that an AAE no longer matter?
Antwort von camworks:

what one hears, can motion Fool (; synonymous because of the lack of plugins) is not the water-rich. for simpler projects, it is - synonymous instant thanks to its ability - however well suited. And if OpenCL with snow leopard is coming, I'm really looking forward to the times velocity shear ...
Antwort von PowerMac:

Yes, OpenCL and the multi-core optimizations are great. So I hope so.
Antwort von Mylenium:
Software for diversity, I say only one thing: 70% of the windows in the software area are not worth the money that they cost. Yes clear ... And all the MAX, Maya, XSI and sonstwas 3Dler are bissl crazy and hosting providers that are running Windows Server, at least as much. Sorry, you are speaking here of "differnzierter view" to spread, however, synonymous only worn cliches.
because there are still plenty of windows and Win3.1-win98-dialog boxes, etc. And? What do you want us today to say? Is it Microsoft's problem is that age-old developer MSVC or even use VB versions?
And lo and behold: there is relative with the diversity of software very quickly. prefer less software, but then ordinary, which is good and is gecoded s.The bedienung standards of the platform continues. Oh, come on, let it operate with the Standards and nonsense like that. Mac stinks just like PC, but from other corners, and that now you want to really not want me here 'ne list run ....
And then there's the price. in the mac operating system is the buying process of the next version (; snow leopard comes out in september and will) be sold as an update for 29 ®. Um, well, for it costs synonymous Abert your Mac already loose 1 / 3 more like a PC system with comparable performance. So once again, Let it easy. Such a platform wars bring nothing.
(; satisfied PC & Mac users)
Antwort von Mylenium:
I think that you should see something more subtle.
Although Reuters cs4 is running on vista SLIGHTLY faster (;) is not better, but one has then an operating system running in the background, which in many cases the total usern spirit goes on. So you should consider very carefully whether it is this operating system (; vista) delivers the long term. especially since it is a stillbirth is and start windows 7 holes already in the stands. I still do not know what you're talking. Gaaaanz ährlüsch. Anyone who has no plan on how to properly maintain its operating system and tames it, is lost one way or another, no preference whether on Mac or PC. Pacifist tools like OnyX and now there's so für'n Mac synonymous nich for fun. Klaro base configuration is Vista's silly and playful, but God, on OSX there are so many silly kiddie synonymous and unsafe settings .... Taking somewhere synonymous not much, just if you take a look under the hood. And when shit happens, is on both platforms hell broke loose. I'm down with each OSX update at least as the sweat on his forehead as major Windows stuff. So imemr times the cow in the village can be ....
Antwort von RocknRoyal:

I'll just continue to put on MAC and thus synonymous AEF for MAC buy .... it is true - it even makes sense, then really stick to a system of having to send everything out and replace her.
Antwort von camworks:
Yes clear ... And all the MAX, Maya, XSI and sonstwas 3Dler are bissl crazy and hosting providers that are running Windows Server, at least as much. Sorry, you are speaking here of "differnzierter view" to spread, however, synonymous only worn cliches. these are only for those hackneyed stereotypes (not the look on the tellerrand; want).
I am working with pcs since 1988 and know what I'm talking about. I know both platforms for a long time (; had since LCII macs), so that I trust, as well to differentiate and enumerate obvious advantages.
when I write "70% of win are software worth nothing", I mean certainly no high-end software, such as you list, but many of the "bread-and butter-program", which are massive in such as the great advantage of the windows platform quotes. And I mean not all synonymous, otherwise I would have "100%" written.
Antwort von B.DeKid:
I'll just continue to use MAC and thus AEF synonymous for MAC buy ..... So this would be clarified.
- ... Underneath the next Mac vs.. PC thread please;-P
B. DeKid
Antwort von Mylenium:

when I write "70% of win are software worth nothing", I mean certainly no high-end software, such as you list, but many of the "bread-and butter-program", which are massive in such as the great advantage of the windows platform quotes. Oh come on, let the nonsense but easy. Is a secretary who works all day with Word and Excel completely underexposed? Are millions of PC-based KKH, SAP and Sage users in small businesses all stupid? Are CAD Programs, measurement and logging tools of all stripes, CNC controls, scientific analysis programs, medical control and management software, banking software, and knows what is now synonymous de vultures part of the 70% scrap software? Kloppen these people are now their "bread and butter" Programs in the barrel, just because they are not good enough for you? Nope, for all the love in this light that we can not claim any credibility to your statements. And even for our limited part of the equation: should now make people not play DVDs with DVDLab? No. BluRays with DoStudio? No format conversions with SUPER ©? Should we therefore now after reading your all be too refined for such tools with some really funny user interface on the PC and wait desperately that at some time because even a miracle auf'm Mac? Well, I wees nich. As I said - all is' ne question of perspective and your arguments do not apply, and certainly not so arbitrarily. One can argue about specific Programs wonderful, but now the availability of certain heranzunehmen Programs on certain operating systems or as a criterion, it sounds to me but a bissl too much like snobby Mac fanboy. There are great tools for Mac, but there are at least as many great tools for PC and ultimately, it is totally sausages, what an operating system that runs under it, as long as it helps one to get the work done at all.
Antwort von RocknRoyal:

People People
There will always be these two camps, the fan base of PC or MAC, etc.
You buy a dog, goes one lap around the block, or sit down at a beautiful tea, throw a steak on the barbecue or enjoy a cool blonde ... * g * it is worth not to have a discussion about it now, everyone has their own opinion synonymous although some probably too exaggerated statements, etc.
Goudie says "beep, beep, beep, I'm glad you" * g *
I have MAC's and PC's and MAC for me to do much more synonymous with prestige and design to claim a certain status, and - it seems to be the first class - regardless of whether the MAC will really synonymous to comply with those values, etc. -- I am satisfied with both and even though I have over 10.000 ¬ invested in MAC's, I would not say the PC is basically bad, and if a system is well-suited to software and hardware as a PC and you do not overload really synonymous with unnecessary features has programs etc then synonymous here a reliable working tool.
Antwort von RocknRoyal:

People People
There will always be these two camps, the fan base of PC or MAC, etc.
You buy a dog, goes one lap around the block, or sit down at a beautiful tea, throw a steak on the barbecue or enjoy a cool blonde ... * g * it is worth not to have a discussion about it now, everyone has their own opinion synonymous although some probably too exaggerated statements, etc.
Goudie says "beep, beep, beep, I'm glad you" * g *
I have MAC's and PC's and MAC for me to do much more synonymous with prestige and design to claim a certain status, and - it seems to be the first class - regardless of whether the MAC will really synonymous to comply with those values, etc. -- I am satisfied with both and even though I have over 10.000 ¬ invested in MAC's, I would not say the PC is basically bad, and if a system is well-suited to software and hardware as a PC and you do not overload really synonymous with unnecessary features has programs etc then synonymous here a reliable working tool.
Antwort von PowerMac:

Antwort von camworks:

I have not written that the people who use stupid windows. that you lay me in your inimitable polemical and offensive art in the mouth. This was the second posting, in which you have referred to my contributions as an imbecile. Your act is a poor soul, who run out of arguments and entitled to the other then erstmal indirectly or directly (; you can pick out) as the idiot.
that does not make you really nice. but probably you there is no preference synonymous ...
pity that each system must be discussion-so slip. :-(;
Antwort von camworks:
I have MAC's and PC's and MAC for me to do much more synonymous with prestige and design to claim a certain status, and - it seems to be the first class - regardless of whether the MAC will actually follow through on these values synonymous I often read and can not understand completely. what should be s.einem mac elitist? a mac is a pc with a different operating system. is active, eg a model of elite as a lenovo notebook? I'm going there ran much more pragmatic, I do not personally design of a computers sh ***- no preference. really, who would work and the best possible way. a craftsman buys not synonymous design jigsaw, which will partially cut, and not as perfect as possible and above all reliable. I can understand that some people find the design of apple horny, do I synonymous. But objectively speaking, it is my opinion to get to a computer set targets but unimportant. perhaps that is insisting on a supposedly elitist position of sh **** macs only one type extension like many an Italian sports cars for dentists in retirement!?
Read the comments so I think, as I have today regarding the future image price reductions in a mac forum had, quite wrong. it was: "The Mac is not a mainstream computer to follow this trend is dangerous." sometimes you might get smooth feeling that some mac-user are the biggest enemy of the mac platform.
Antwort von Axel:
Some Mac users are the biggest enemy of the mac platform. Because we have the asshole gene. The fact that Windows is actually quite okay, I hear again and again synonymous. I'm sitting next to it, during either the PC, the current application, or what components show synonymous always embarrassing performance and say: "Oh, you know that it happens everywhere." You see, that it runs with me, I often hear a contrite, "but going well for you." Then I respond with bitter sarcasm: "Well, in exceptional cases." This sting more deeply seated as I said, "My speech!" We are worthless, that one will dance on our graves.
Antwort von jogol:

No one will dance on our graves. Because there are better places.
Antwort von camworks:

If I wanted religion one, I was a Christian, moslem or trailers of any other glaubensrichtung become. I am not aware that Steve Jobs was recently son of god, or even sacred. So I have to worship him and do not synonymous. with the opinion I'm in the mac-bearing but more or less isolated. exceptions prove the rule. ;-)
ps the same goes for microsoft.
Antwort von Mylenium:

I have MAC's and PC's and MAC for me to do much more synonymous with prestige and design to claim a certain status, and - it seems to be the First Class Yes, precisely, it "seems" that way. That is the crucial difference. The critical factor but is probably more likely that the people of this dangerous combination of external design (; what is unquestionably good, and she does succumb wohnzimmertzauglich) and Marketinggeblubber, which leads to idealize the intrinsic values the same way. These are partially correct crap. By durchgefeuerten power supplies is indeed reads constantly and my IT buddies even see the displays in iMacs really creepy ... Well, on OSX and I would like to GFAR not only nafangen upset. There are just so many software design flaw in it as in any x-any MS operating system, coupled with an already barely-to-understand slowness really protect critical areas synonymous times so that you can sleep peacefully. At least on the way Microsoft is quite far ahead ...
Antwort von Mylenium:
"The Mac is not a mainstream computer to follow this trend is dangerous." sometimes you might get smooth feeling that some mac-user are the biggest enemy of the mac platform. Well he's not mainstream, certainly not in Germany. Let's be honest - at times rather modest product updates all six years that the rapid development of the computer market to bear very little attention, combined with the inflated prices it is unlikely that Macs synonymous only partially achieved a presence, such as PCs. One can not even many of the "Pro" models buy somewhere else than in Cancom & Co. or Apple itself. From this perspective, only what Macs are for people who are intensively engaged with the material and know what they want, that is still a bissl elitist. It may be that someday iMacs are as popular as in Amiland, but that's the part that I am not at all interested ....
Antwort von Mylenium:
but probably you there is no preference synonymous ... Isses me largely synonymous. If I were to make me more about it thinking about what others think about me, I would not now be where I am. I've never been synonymous claimed that I am nice and you are at the moment for me, "just another nickname. Could be that you are in real life a nice guy, and I'm here synonymous quite differently, but right now I simply gehste one bissl auf'n pointer. So we pull us back both times and try to cope better next time, okay? ;-)
Antwort von RocknRoyal:

I said yes, it seems, "" And so for me, design is synonymous just one criterion - certainly I make the purchase alone is not dependent on them, but it's just a point of decision for me at the office, etc. underneath the stands of function.
I like MAC's - the clear structure, the "One-stop 'principle and clearly the reliability, I know of no-longer crashes and, hopefully, the past s.and as I said, but I would graduate a PC, therefore not as inferior. Everyone should take advantage but what he likes, what his wallet, etc. so I understand you do not tolerate whole Disskussion, because you can not influence opinion and stuck their own experience anyway, and every word is too much. If someone says something, what others do not correspond to the facts then that's "Latte", right? What is one thing for big itch, especially when it comes to things like operating system, etc.? This is a hopeless task :-) ... except endless discussions with no common denominator, and time loss occurs while but nothing :-)
Antwort von camworks:
Isses me largely synonymous. If I were to make me more about it thinking about what others think about me, I would not now be where I am. I've never been synonymous claimed that I am nice and you are at the moment for me, "just another nickname. Could be that you are in real life a nice guy, and I'm here synonymous quite differently, but right now I simply gehste one bissl auf'n pointer. It is a nunmal netiquette and respect that is. there are tangible beleidigungen fail s.platz, synonymous for you if I "just have" a different nickname. The internet is not above the law and moral space, and its so-are synonymous here. So you hold on! if everybody here would be offended, because he a "auf'n hand" goes, we would have in the network states, as in war.
so is the theme "insult" to me for the time being settled.