Frage von sunlite:
I am working now for some time with after effects (first 6.5 and now synonymous 7). synonymous, I get everything out super ... kleinigkeit except for one.
I download my film of the camera via firewire and premiere pro 1.5 on my computer (PAL DV 520x576). The quality is the price ratio of the camera entirely and view in order.
Now, I invite this footage into my After Effects and editing it there. A few filter here, a few screens there. The preview display in After Effects makes me the picture with all its changes still synonymous super dar.
Now I export the changed clip as AVI (PAL DV 520x576; synonymous 16:4 or 4:3, depending on how I happen to need it)> top quality> sound uncompressed (the) is actually no preference.
Now he renders ... is ready ... I look at it to me ... Effects all logically exist, BUT ... the whole video seems to be even slightly blurred. As someone a fat layer of Alias | Wavefront Mayaing had placed over it. It was definitely by far not the clarity and strength it had when I loaded the thing of the camera on the calculator.
Hmm. What exactly am I doing wrong? I even doing something wrong? There may be settings that I (improve the quality at least pose as good as the original Firewire import video)? If this blurring is actually normal, then make it as professional videographers SD, that her video (which is synonymous with AE has been processed) is sharp and clear (can very hardly imagine that there is only s.der Camera).
What can I do so, so the quality is not so bad (is) through the blur? Other container formats, codecs ... ?
So if I can help someone, I would be very grateful;)
Thanks and
best regards
Antwort von Jörg:

Your results because of the extreme of all? other user is different, there is probably s.Deinen export settings.
So make screenshots of all! Your export settings dialog.
Put them in here. Or write off the whole Salm. Some settings (format) prevents the proper export
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von sunlite:

Jorg hi and hi @ all,
So erstmal thank you for this extremely fast response. In the following ... My Settings.
1.) Import of DV-Cam via firewire on Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 with the norm-size 520x576 PAL (25 fps). Filed Under these settings as PAL DV AVI. Where quality still OK.
2.) rehearsed just import this footage into After Effects via firewire 7th
3.) Add New Composition and editing the film just as desired
4.) Then File> Export> AVI
5.) settings: compression = DV PAL frames per second = Best, compressor = best = interlaced scan mode, aspect ratio = 4:3 or 16:9 (yes this is really no preference as I have just ... who wants to)
Then just export. That's it. That's all I do.
Had not thought of that you can not do much wrong. But I hope you can help me with my problem yet somehow;)
Thanks again
Antwort von Jörg:

the problem probably lies in File -> Export. Since there is no DV Avi option for me.
Do the following:
Composition -> Make Movie -> (key combination Ctrl + M) Render Settings -> optimal. So that you keep all the settings during the work phase in terms of RAM Preview and Resolution.
Output Module -> Here you choose from your format. In this case erstmal MS DV PAL 48 000.
Now no difference in quality should be available.
Later, when other options like export with alpha, etc. are needed, you'll find it in others.
Enjoy Jörg
Antwort von sunlite:

Hello Jörg,
supi. Thank you for your trouble. I'll just try it.
PS The option PAL DV AVI then is probably one of Canopus or Camtasia - Codec, has delivered to one of my Programs.
Until then, and Thanks again;)
nice greez