Frage von holly303:
Moin film friends
I have After Effects CS5 (or rather the Production Premium package CS5) and've risen as synonymous purely worked well. Now I'm looking for but the animation presets under Effects and specifications. It is now ..... in the setting of the hook is hooked Animation Presets View ".
It is indeed on the bridge ran zBsdie Text Effects, but it would be nice if I could this synonymous with the Arbeitsoberfäche. Can there please help me one? I'm out of sheer frustration AE already installed over it. Bring nothing but synonymous.
Denne and to thank once before in advance.
Antwort von Mylenium:

Either sin se 'just not in the correct directory, or you have a problem with user rights and AE can not access on it .... Can not isolate you by the next little information ...
Antwort von holly303:

then some of me with what you need to know. That is, for example, the path in the bridge for the text animations.
F: \ after_effects \ Adobe After Effects CS5 \ Support Files \ Presets \ Text \
Antwort von Mylenium:

Ah yes ... So to be honest it looks now after geraubborgter damn software, and because nothing surprises me any more .... Theoretically, AE should nevertheless find anything because there's just scouring the subdirectories of the program directory. Perhaps it would help but in spite of everything, install the software into the correct directory and that's just still C: \ Program Files \ Adobe \ ... Otherwise we simply end up back at the user rights - on non-system partitions any requests by users are not configured by default ...