Frage von LowBudget:
hi leute,
There is a German manual for
cs3 after effects (video)?
have until now found only in English,
but since my English net is so sparkling,
I can not begin so much):
've spent nights before, but nothing
target. known as the demonic face, etc.
I would be cool if someone here could give info,
where I was a manual (German) in the network & financial might.
Antwort von PowerMac:

One might point out, there would be a manual, if you had
bought the program.
Antwort von Jörg:
One might point out, there would be a manual, if you had bought the program. look nick of time the question's on ......
Antwort von LowBudget:

jörg yes, look at my nick ma (; JÖRG
you are true heroes!
I just asked because I was
with the part not clearly come.
I would have just as easily synonymous someone ausen
kindergarten can ask.
original? yes, Schuhl.
everyone has time to 6 weeks before his film
State and I wanted to do something that I already
longer had planned. I wanted to stop here some infos here.
dumen the comments you can really save money.
Thank you
Antwort von PowerMac:
(...) I would have just as easily synonymous someone ausen
kindergarten can ask. (...) Even kids in kindergarten know what possession is.
Antwort von LowBudget:

people like you because you have no real
bock more to seek help.
frohes still finds you & JÖRG course synonymous.
Antwort von PowerMac:

At 3 o 'clock at night you should sleep anyway, to the morning rested for the school to be able to stand up.
Antwort von Jörg:
people like you because you have no real
bock more to seek help. and because such impertinent contemporaries as you like, as well as the other passes s.Forum pleasure.
You will surely be able to visit the Adobe site, the German manual to find?
Antwort von Gysenberg:
jörg yes, look at my nick ma (; JÖRG
dumen the comments you can really save money.
Thank you The comments are often stupid of stupid people who are unfortunately only able to earn their bread, because this silly copyright law. Would in most schools that claim that their students for the reality of preparing a good lesson times subject to a little against this now widespread stupidity to do so.
Antwort von LowBudget:

we still have after effects in the net untericht gehabt!
I wanted to stop my movie is something special and
I'm only since this year there.
but thanks for the help people,
I turn now given the best film of the world.
Since its premiere on all invited.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

What are looking for exactly? The Help (Manual PDF German) or what?
Then I'll see what I find ....
B. DeKid
Antwort von LowBudget:

I was already on the network by compatriots and
zb then have the demonic face, etc. found.
but unfortunately that was all in English and I am not
so good in it.
but in German so I have not yet found.
if you is whether there is such videos gibts synonymous to German,
it would be nice if you could tell me where I can find.
pdf would be the four synonymous slightly helpful, but my computer always stürtzt
s.wenn I would like to open pdf files.
So that with the demonic face is really cool made
I understand not only halt what the word as explained.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Do you Videocopilot of the
Antwort von Debonnaire:

I like me wrong, but the German version of AE (no preference, such as legal or not these have been acquired) is synonymous but the German on-line help with? Only helps them to the Asker for the translation of the Daemon Face Warp tutorial of Andrew Kramer does not really stop, or?
A specific such as the aforementioned tutorial, you will probably not find in German. Now you have two options: Either you learn English, which is always a good idea, nowadays and especially in the Visual Effects "Business" or you ackerst the After Effects manual of A through to Z, so that you have everything from FF mastered . Either way: It is with viiiel work and so time consuming! Unfortunately nobody can give you this fall ...
And there was always the same to you laaangweilig plärrenden Gutmenschen with your self-defense crusade copyright posturing (you might think it would have all the shares in the major software suppliers ... ts ts ts): If you already grossschnäuzig spoke about ownership, then you times schlau the legal distinction between "possession" and "property"! In the present case involved the latter, because if it's a problem construct WANTED!
Antwort von LowBudget:

@ B. DeKid
Thank you,
ja das brauch all his time and the
I know obviously synonymous.
just try something in my film purely assemble,
well my little effects, etc.
the problem is s.der history halt,
I have absolutely no idea how what
works (after effects).
should be a small strip grusel and there would be
very little effects toll. if you know what I mean?
because I come with the time certainly synonymous behind.
but I thank you for your help!
Antwort von LowBudget:

@ Debonnaire
clear, of course, must be English.
can a bit but unfortunately not enough for that
but learning every day about this (:
I've tried synonymous, for this video
everything step by step according to.
then I found the video in some other matters
in its after effects have?
well, I pack the whole already irgen how.
nice but it still nice people here and there
so you can here the whole synonymous recommend next.
frohes finds good slip & (;
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Thank you a Happy synonymous!
Another tip for the use of emoticons:
Delighted, goes like this:
:-) Wink positive goes like this:
;-) Sadly, goes like this:
:-( Laughing, goes like
this:-D Another sure you'll find in Google!
Antwort von wontuwontu:
At 3 o 'clock at night you should sleep anyway, to the morning rested for the school to be able to stand up. Man you must be boring ...
Antwort von PowerMac:
At 3 o 'clock at night you should sleep anyway, to the morning rested for the school to be able to stand up.
Man you must be boring ... Yes, true. I even talk with you ...
Antwort von Debonnaire:
GÄÄÄHHHNNN! You're child heads!