Frage von Drrichardfahrer:
Gibts somewhere a tutorial or knows someone of you, how do you make those stars?
Are the quasi-particles on a path, or how does it work?
Liebe Grüße, Drrichardfahrer
Antwort von Chezus:

standard function of Trapcode Particular
Select Particeltyp
of a to b to c over d. .. c. animate and ready.
via a null object or path
Antwort von Drrichardfahrer:

OK, thank you:)
Then I have to buy just yet ... does anybody know where you can buy cheap the plugin?
Antwort von Chezus:

probably only directly redgiantsoftware for around 300 - $ 400
just yesterday the new version of Trapcode Particular 2.0 came out
Antwort von Drrichardfahrer:

And with the normal stuff of AE particles can be done the net?
Antwort von Chezus:

with which one can build in AE Particle generator generate only gehts sowas synonymous with Particular easier. Look at after.
Andrew Kramer is working (; the user's sake) is usually integrated with the CC Particle System.
And it conjures up all sorts of out Effects.
One just needs to handle it
Antwort von B.DeKid:

This would mean to
- Can fill the path with brush and create the "tail" via diversification.
So what is synonymous with the Parttikeln s.Bord of AE is expensive but doable.
B. DeKid
PS: familiarization time and had my $ 500 worth for the plug in the money ... you have recorded in a short time aka generated.