Frage von crush3r:
My After Effects crashes since I have a large project (many compositions, sub-compositions, effects, dynamic link, etc.) have opened again when rendering from.
AfterFX joins always s.einer specific point in the rendering process. On the site is bswp. Effect of lights keyed.
I put the data in fewer sub-compositions, everything is rendered as intended, but it is very confusing.
OpenGL I have already disabled, there should s.RAM are not synonymous and the settings (C: \ Users \ *** \ AppData \ ... \ After Effects \ 10.0), I have already deleted, so this is back after effects.
Is it one probably. be that the larger file somewhere created data AfterFX always calls and overwhelmed?
Is there a limited number s.Kompositionen that can be nested?
Can you solve dynamic link connections?
If the length of a composition limited?
Antwort von Mylenium:

Plays some "calorie" information such as Calculator, graphics card, operating system, memory, multiprocessing, codecs, source material, size composition, render settings, etc., otherwise the pure Kaffesatzleserei is here and I could ask my grandma synonymous ... Of damaged source footage to comic output settings could be the all possible ...
Antwort von Mikolos:

crush3r had almost had the same problem only with premiere pro.
Have the following extent solved, you can create your project files with the
render "Adobe Media Encoder. had worked out fine:)