Frage von micha83:
S.alle Hi!
I'm new here and directly ask the question:
I bought a half a year before NEM SonyVX 1000 and am of the video quality enttäuscht.Nicht generally after rendering, but as far as the quality of my videos ... I have seen many videos synonymous with the the VX1000 were filmed at length and better look like my videos.
I do not know if I've been doing the filming something wrong when capturing or rendering ..
Can someone perhaps give me some tips how I can improve the quality?
Thank you in advance!
Antwort von fabriquez:

You have a couple of times to disclose more information:
- Calculator PC or Mac?
- Editing software?
- How is transferred?
- Codec?
- If Quicktime, it is set to best quality?
Synonymous is important, what you have you set for a codec. In FinalCut, I can give as he transmitted the clips in DVCPro HD or ProResHQ or encode or - to.
If I were a wrong codec for you have set, it can be the error.
Antwort von micha83:

Thanks for your answer!
for the details:
-Calculator is a PC
Editing software is Adobe Premiere, further work should be done in After Effects was still no preference because the quality is already under the Export Adobe Premiere bad.
I-you transfer with a favorable (guess that's no preference) JVC Cam via Firewire
-I have not exported as quicktime will ... but if I'm sure sometimes what you write,
-I have to adjust the codec, unfortunately ... so I know I did not even
Me the idea that the shots came on the tape were already bad ... maybe I'm in my apartment and filmed with the VX1000 is to make even in low light (synonymous with artificial light?) Relatively poor shots.