Frage von twin:
Can I perhaps give an advice what to do?
The Lens of my XM1 is a bubble. She was at once there.
Is perhaps the lens is not properly sealed?
Had a lot of times someone may have such a problem?
What does it cost to repair?
Würd glad if someone next to me can help.
Antwort von Udo Schröer:

If the bladder is outside or inside, the lens is coated (Hardened) this is a layer deposited. Perhaps, the remuneration in the bubble emerged.
Antwort von twin:

Thank you. Unfortunately I am not a pro in drum technique declare that I hope this description helps next:
The bubble I noticed today in the shooting. The best way to see if the Camera Lens horizontally with the top stops. It is about the size of a Wasserwage. But sometimes smaller. Somewhere ströhmt air. then according to the smaller bubbles to 1-2.
As far as I can see the bubble is located behind the second glass of the lens. First comes the glass in front, then comes the glass where the bubbles behind them. Treasures from the approach of the Blendschutztes from 1.5 cm as measured inwards.
The bubble was not the beginning of s.da.
Antwort von Josefa:

Basically, no incoming air, as in the vacuum is lentils NO. Is it a bubble or a drop of water came together?
Very stupid question: Do you have a UV protection filter on it and has between actual and Filters Lens something up?
Antwort von twin:

No, the thing I did not.
I let the whole just anschaun.
Thanks anyway
Antwort von Gäschtle:

With the Cam in a high position (mountains? Aircraft?)
Look here:
Antwort von Mora57:

Yes was on the Zugspitze.
I now wait just a few days, perhaps the so disappears again.
Thank you
Antwort von Mora57:

perhaps you need to now just once with their deep dive ...
just balancing:)
Antwort von oliver II:
perhaps you need to now just once with their deep dive ...
just balancing:) LOL!
The best underwater without a housing. Then can the tightness of the camera quite well determined. If after a day no more water rausläuft, she is tight ;-)
Antwort von Markus:
The best way to see if the Camera Lens horizontally with the top stops. [...] Then, depending on the smaller bubbles to 1-2. What you read everything here so? - I thought initially s.Lensflares ...