Newsmeldung von slashCAM:All-in-Wonder X1800 XL video for beginners? Of rudi - 25 Nov 2005 16:02:00 With the new All-in-Wonder X1800 XL ATI is offering a special graphics card that could be just for DV editing beginners might be interesting. For, in addition to rather complete multimedia functions (analog and DVB-T tuner, Analog Video In, (HD) video - Out, MPEG2 / 4 decoding support, remote control is) the card with Adobe Premiere Elements 4.0 and Photoshop Elements 2.0 shipped.
Who is currently compiling a multimedia PC, with this solution could possibly several hardware and software-birds with one stone. Especially the 3D performance of integrated graphics is synonymous to the latest version. If you have used for all necessary functions that are 430 Euros MSRP therefore certainly not a bad price ...
to news reporting
Antwort von HenrikF:

"... Adobe Premiere Elements 4.0 ..."
Uh, Premiere Elements version
four? This does not mean more "Premiere Elements 2.0 and Photoshop Elements 4.0"?
Antwort von wrunge:

As a complement here nor of what
>> CHIP Online has been a pre-release of ATI's Avivo video encoder secret leaked XCode. He uses the computing power of the graphics card and accelerates the conversion of shoot in other formats dramatically. Our tests show: The five-speed is loose in there! <<
Ouch ... if so funtkioniert ... 5 times faster graphics card then, thanks to encode nix like bought ....