Frage von WoWu:
--- Edit of admin: coming of here --- @ Leffy
What do you expect of people who are the subject of the next ad?
Perhaps this link will help you a bit next:
What do you expect of people who are the subject of the next ad?
Stung, Mr. WoWu: If it's (; would have gone as assumed in your think) after the ads, then there'd be more likely to go the other way around. Only time to read the book and then draw invidious inferences ...
Ridiculous. Well, once blinders, blinders always - we are nothing but usual.
Antwort von WoWu:

I do not know what I could fall for ...
But I am glad to be taken note of the critical remarks ... that's a step forward.
I do not know what I could fall for ...
But I am glad to be taken note of the critical remarks ... that's a step forward. What are the criticisms?
Antwort von WoWu:

.... but no progress ... shame really ...
.... but no progress ... shame really ... True, we would have been surprised synonymous. But if you no longer get ahead with logic, one must take refuge in bon mots.
Wg to explain the logic here: Also this site is financed by advertising. You should therefore assume Slashcam dependence of advertisements. No? Why then us, even though the issue in question do not even seem to know?
Antwort von WoWu:

How do you know what I am-who-insinuating ... are clairvoyant?

Problems with short term memory?
@ Leffy
What do you expect of people who are the subject of the next ad?
Antwort von WoWu:

Is there anything of VIDEOAKTIV?

"This morning, however, erstmal the shock: the test in the Videoaktiv.
What are we to make of it, I do know the moment at all. "
Antwort von Leffy:
What do you expect of people who are the subject of the next ad?
Stung, Mr. WoWu: If it's (; would have gone as assumed in your think) after the ads, then there'd be more likely to go the other way around. Only time to read the book and then draw invidious inferences ...
Ridiculous. Well, once blinders, blinders always - we are nothing but usual.
Red VIDEOAKTIV Would it not have been more appropriate to use, instead of here on a private Schreiber (; los WoWu) zuhacken, your combative energies (in technical direction, for example, my doubts s.Ihrem vs. Test. Vorserientest of Film-TV-video)?
For the editor of a newspaper video but actually befitting, right?
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Unknown writer of the VIDEOAKTIV
My comment is any room for interpretation.
It is not necessarily that arises from this interpretation of freedom is a Faktengebundenheit.
It remains to you but of course at liberty to refer to THEMSELVES Note to ... and derive from it for a Faktengebundenheit.

Any reader who has questions about VAD tests should (turn logically s.VAD; on Slashcam one will be able to help him, nor do they desire): <a href=""> </ a>
But Mr. WoWu has made here at Slashcam, strange allusions. And that's why we ask for - no more and no less.
But he has meant to us so well at all. But if he in turn of our well known colleagues should have meant film TV video, but it was no better.
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Leffy
Yep, there is a lot ... lots of fun.
"Everyone runs the shoe just fits him" .... as the old saying goes ... And it honors the aforementioned colleagues probably do not see themselves represented on Videoaktiv Of ...
I think if they would have felt addressed, even if they had spoken out.
This will require certainly not the most outspoken representative of the VAD

@ WoWu
That's logic: So You've meant either CTV or VAD. Who then? Just make worm times per se, all journalists? Or not? Or what?
Sorry, that's a coward ...
And as for the gentlemen, you are (; ouch again) completely wrong ... What remains? Hot air. Pity about the time ...
Beautiful evening
Hans Ernst
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... "Everyone runs the shoe just fits him" ... I think if she had felt addressed, they would themselves wish to speak ... The thinking is you are free. Given your level of subordination to Stammtisch but everyone who has ever seen the inside of an editorial called, feel, pointing out that the reality is different. VAD had not reacted so quickly, I would have previously asked to speak because I can not let such as a former print journalist, sorry, stupid, are not contradicted - not just right when he dished out of someone who is, in other areas such a has immense expertise. And now it would surely be in everyone's interests if the discussion could go back to the HMC151: namely, is a really interesting camera.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von PowerMac:

Wolfgang, which is actually Hans Ernst, chief editor of Videoaktiv. A pleasant and competent man
Antwort von PowerMac:
(; ...) What do you expect of people who are the subject of the next ad? (, ...) This is a standard charge. Unfounded and far from the editors of daily life and a low level.
Antwort von WoWu:

Hello Mr. Ernst ..
the topic so you should really take a message when you can not shy away from controversy and invest so much of your precious time in it.
This allows one to infer that I have hit a nerve.
You may therefore lie with your evidence is very close bond anyway s.der truth ... who knows.
Beautiful evening as well ..
Antwort von WoWu:

@ PM
Wolfgang, which is actually Hans Ernst, chief editor of Videoaktiv. A pleasant and competent man Where the style is not suggesting, but thanks for the hint, but even more surprised to find me then ...

Dear Mr. Wunderlich,
Her style is to spread suspicion in the world, to things of which you obviously understand nothing. If you get on YOUR aggression towards a headwind, you are suddenly on the mimosa.
I say this only as follows: VAD is incorruptible, and all the colleagues who I know well. Where did you get your world view of a mercenary journalist, you have to make up with yourself.
End of message.
Hans Ernst
Antwort von WoWu:

Hello Mr. Ernst.
Now you are your assurance of incorruptibility yes, at least, got rid of ... And everyone has heard it.
Now everyone can believe what he wants and there are certainly many, was seen here in the round, as synonymous not difficult to believe s.The integrity of the media ...
It's reassuring to know that journalists are among the purest professional groups.
So I have no reason to doubt s.Ihrer protestation to.
It saddens me however that you have felt in my expression of aggression ... so aggressive that was not meant, and it would not be synonymous been necessary to bring as much clarity and controversy into the game.
But now we have already wished for a beautiful evening and should remain synonymous.
Antwort von Leffy:

@ Pailes
... and that's the sad. LABORATORY TEST call VAD das .... is a great name, yes, but not even a word with the Lord is the strength of the tester 151iger, progressive vision (; and which as a result of back) comes out, received. TEST LAB .... I do not laugh. Actually, the whole test is rather blah.
The type (and here in the forum) is taking a giant vortex and no longer have to rely on listening so that the law. If only one tenth would have put them in a more balanced test, we now know more.
But by now I know at least one thing: I buy this newspaper anymore. Was not the first Verarsche in this regard.
Thanks for the links, direction finders, am quite curious.
Antwort von pailes:

@ Leffy:
To be honest I have not even read the latest article in the VAD, but maybe I should not be synonymous. I had arranged the last issue, because there the HMC151E and the HPX170 has been briefly touched on two sides, but that was synonymous very weak. 15 minutes on Google brought a more information than this "preliminary report". And when it is received in the current report does not look at the progressive nature of the HMC151E, then the article can not be really useful.
Antwort von Leffy:

@ Pailes
Then look at the two times below links to FAD. Once FX1000 daylight, tungsten, low light. And the same 151er for Panasinic.
You will see pictures of the test are in direct Pana Comparison to Sonyeinfach bad, too light, too blurry and then next and then next ...
Even using this test alone, but buys pictures None has eyes in his head, this camera.
And another piece of my personal opinion: The entire text 4 pages are divided in two senses. 2 pages for the two Panasionics and 2 pages for the Sony.
2 sides fairly consistently nega edited. And 2 pages quite PRO to the test object.
You can pick and choose what you may be assigned where. And (NIX, not a word about the progressive part of the camera; s ).... that fits into the picture. pictures/Panasonic/Panasonic-AG-HMC-151-E.html pictures/Sony/Sony-HDR-FX-1000-E.html
Antwort von pailes:

@ Leffy:
I've looked at the test pictures. Must say that I am not so surprised because it's just simply inappropriate of the HMC151 is 1080i and 1080i of the FX-1000 compared. You should convert the footage of the FX 1000 and deinterlace to 720p and the comparison that would be much more useful.
Yet we see in the 30 lux test pattern that HMC151E is clearly stronger than light FX-1000. Otherwise, the colors / contrast on the Panasonic out-of-the-box subjectively better than the FX-1000, but since you can adjust anyway massive turn.
Antwort von Leffy:

@ Pailes
But the sharpness is seen as a clear unambiguous. What makes me come to my question: At 720p it looks like there. Can you possibly upload times 2 identical images vs. 1080i. 720p?
Antwort von Quadruplex:
True, we would have been surprised synonymous. But if you no longer get ahead with logic, one must take refuge in bon mots. If it were for bon mots. Particularly funny are the comments and submissions of Mr. Wunderlich is not strange. At best, silly. The sun in South America does not seem to get him to ...
You should therefore assume Slashcam dependence of advertisements. No? Why then us, even though the issue in question do not even seem to know? Mr. Wunderlich assumed but anyone who has disagreed with him, alternately ignorance and venality. Just embarrassing when one is then caught himself permanently with errors and, for example
of silicon, silicon not multiple frames operating data reduction, never had FullHD, do not know when it is with digital TV VHS Sonyhabe developed and then sold s.JVC. this discussion. Mr. Ernst: Mr. Wunderlich has now sent for the case of beer? Or he can not even say that?
Antwort von WoWu:

Another kneeling?
Antwort von Jan:

@ Leffy and Pailes - You two are really great, and your Panasonic is unbeatable, better than any other camera!
Unfortunately, it is annoying when one is so easy knit, and his camera or his favorite praises to the sky, just because you want to put through his own thoughts with a vengeance. Accepted synonymous times that there is a SonyFX 1000 & Z 5, EX 3 there, and make it synonymous good pictures.
What do you expect of one's own DVX Forum - of course the camera is there, praised - and so correct the weaknesses, of course, not synonymous Camera .... The only good the camera comes over 500k pixel is synonymous no preference, Pixel Shift is indeed as good as a 1m or 2m sensor bla bla bla.
I would be interested synonymous times to film how many users really DVX often comparable with Sonyoder Canon models.
The point is that Panasonic will be there with 151 of HMC difficult to operate, and because you can basically focus almost nothing. (An interesting camera and now suddenly you can edit AVCHD again brilliantly well - weird huh?) With good equipment features, but synonymous shadow points.
Just because you do not like the test is now VAD (; or any other magazine) runtergemacht? VAD has eg a Panasonic GS 90 or given an SDR-H 40 test victory in spite of a consumer class and the Lowlightschwäche and no filter thread - that Panasonic can not be hostile to the Magazine .... I can take as much synonymous s.einen Panasonic DVX lobgepreisten remember 100 test in the magazine.
Please Stay open and fair!
Jan (and Canon, Sony, JVC and Panasonic Filmer)
Antwort von Leffy:

@ jan
What is not so well received was that the issuance of 2 reputable provider fundamentally conflicting tests for the same thing, that was the hook. And that is all the more galling for the potential buyer. than just rely on these tests in its decision making. The cameras are hardly available at present you do not get them into their own hands.
Especially in the Panasonic-test of VAD, the deficiencies were rausgeputzt and (strengths, progressive processing, for example) not even mentioned.
Moreover, I am not a Panasonic fan. I had ordered the SonyF1000. Unfortunately, although not yet available, so once everything was open, and I am open to criticism on both sides to analyze the tests ... And as a buyer of the newspaper here in the forum is not synonymous with my thoughts behind the mountain must keep.
Why I now specifically to the VAD does not want to buy more ... more an emotional decision: I was the icing on the cake for the guy here yesterday would not stop doing his displeasure over a Mitsch Reiber - some below the belt-known to us. It turned out to grad, that was the chief editor of the VAD.
Since I could not help but yesterday the (; in spirit) remark that he should put his energies but rather in the completion of its tests. And as always here, always something new around of the whole evening zumutzen round.
So: call wrong address here s.The fairness.
Antwort von Jan:

Many tests are subjective, but eh designed, because I want to be a tester.
Yes you could look just as if you compare women and men in all traits, strengths and weaknesses.
Or eg Maischberger vs. Illner.
Since everyone is right in his own way. The entire Sony group sees as a lost 720 P format, synonymous the executive suite.
If I am correctly informed, is among some magazines in the test editor of magazines consulted for the other test, or he writes the test for some other magazines, and therefore probably FTV VAD. VAD has (, te) Videomag as a professional partner who that is - I can not say. Sometimes writers write they do not know.
On the FTV Page I read the name of Christine Gebhard, if I am not quite mistaken, there was a test of its synonymous times in the VAD to a JVC Pro Camera.
What I noticed, but even then, CTV is set very 720 P, which was already a JVC Pro test. And what is the opinion of the JVC 720 P video cameras in the German forums? More devastating. Then the testers might think of as synonymous CTV have no idea. I still say that everyone has their preferences, and not entirely wrong synonymous with his score for a camera.
Who, What magazines do or not is rather uninteresting.

"Why should I buy now specifically to the VAD does not want ... rather an emotional decision: I was the icing on the cake for the guy here yesterday would not stop doing his displeasure over a Mitsch Reiber - some below the belt-known to us. It turned out to grad, that was the chief editor of the VAD. "
Dear Leffy,
Who here, operated under the belt line was surely Mr. WoWu, attested to us or CTV (; or who always synonymous, just as he was about even then not) specify a dependency of advertisements in order to inveigh against a test, which he evidently did not know.
On the other hand, I have been resisted in the interest of my staff (; or you want to stand up through the flower as bribes?) - Ie cause and effect should be even more apart.
But it can even read about everyone.
Otherwise, I've already stated yesterday, where they can turn to if you have questions / criticisms / complaints about the tests. If one really wants to ...
The type
(; Hans Ernst / Red. VIDEOAKTIV)
Antwort von PowerMac:

So below the belt was not anything.
Antwort von Quadruplex:
So below the belt was not anything. Of course, it is still lower. Strange but comments like "What do you expect of people who are the subject of the next ad? are without any evidence, but rather foolhardy.
Antwort von pailes:
@ Leffy and Pailes - You two are really great, and your Panasonic is unbeatable, better than any other camera!
Unfortunately, it is annoying when one is so easy knit, and his camera or his favorite praises to the sky, just because you want to put through his own thoughts with a vengeance. Accepted synonymous times that there is a SonyFX 1000 & Z 5, EX 3 there, and make it synonymous good pictures. Otherwise, are you but good, right? I write (in this relatively objective observations and * my * personal reasons; 720p/50, SDHC cards, etc.) for this same camera. I'm down here no other cameras, I still contend that the HMC151E is the greatest camera, which exist currently on the market. Leffy asks me questions and I give truthful answers as possible, I have written as synonymous that affect the sharpness of the HMC151E certainly to be desired at 1080i.
Maybe you just learn to read carefully once, and then come back again in this thread. It seems to me that you feel you come through something on their feet.
What do you expect of one's own DVX Forum - of course the camera is there, praised - and so correct the weaknesses, of course, not synonymous Camera .... The only good the camera comes over 500k pixel is synonymous no preference, Pixel Shift is indeed as good as a 1m or 2m sensor bla bla bla. I've never claimed. The thread was originally intended to bring a few facts about the HMC151E s.den man, because otherwise in the German forums do not read much about the camera. Naturally pixel shifting is not the true, but the picture in 720p is nunmal "good" and whether the CCD is now native 1280x720 or 960x540 pixels is then totally gave me no preference. The comparison of numbers is the way some amusing sport, that reminds me s.den gigahertz hype or the megapixel madness. Your "blablabla" incidentally, signaled again that you feel you somehow stepped on the feet, I wonder why? If you do not like the camera is still great to buy / lend / you steal 'ne other, yes you can still accept that there are people who still find it good, right?
I would be interested synonymous times to film how many users really DVX often comparable with Sonyoder Canon models. Oh, I think because there are so few, see relevant threads.
The point is that Panasonic will be there with 151 of HMC difficult to operate, and because you can basically focus almost nothing Huh? Sorry, I think you're really on the wrong track. Or maybe what have you breakfasted wrong, I want here to persuade anyone to purchase a HMC151E, or advertise for Panasonic. Leffy asks me questions and I give answers. What have you working for?
Again, for the somewhat slower ones: Those are all * my * personal reasons, and I'm completely satisfied. What are the "others" and whether it will have a hard time with the Panasonic HMC151E me is someting of latte, you that you can not imagine. I want to film sports with 720p/50 what to think about me Sonyand Canon also no preference. Both are synonymous TV as the computer can show, so for me is all green.
An interesting camera with good features, but features synonymous shadow points. Of course, almost all products positive and negative aspects. Congratulations on this recognition. And what I have called synonymous.
Antwort von domain:
"What do you expect of people who are the subject of the next ad?
That is, in my view has a somewhat flat-rate statement, which must defend itself against Mr. Ernst.
The sound makes the music stop and the synonymous applies quadruplex with his equally crass announcements.
The truth probably lies in the middle. It is true that is rarely observed in magazines, a complete Veriss a product at the same full-page ads run.
Just be in the German car magazines almost always German cars on the podium and in French magazines are just French.
More common is a compromise aimed at reporting to observe, to criticize something, but turns out the positive aspects synonymous. As can then pick out any for him Matching and only comes into consciousness and remains hanging there.
Synonymous, it would be awkward to operate differently.
But the private reviews of respect to consumers of various cameras, I think of those times have nothing, unless the camera is already in their possession. Nobody wants to admit that he has missed in terms of the purchase, everything is always best.
Antwort von Quadruplex:
The sound makes the music stop and the synonymous applies quadruplex with his equally crass announcements.
Tell ... What is s.meinen statements crass?
Antwort von domain:
Do not even want to go into detail, but my subjective impression.
Incidentally, the word seems to silicone in the U.S. actually mistakenly used for silicon to be synonymous. Did I read so often, for example:
Train from all mechanisms
"Infineon's biochip based on a standard - CMOS - (; complementary metal oxide silicon) semiconductor manufacturing process with additional gold electrodes."
Semiconductor is actually meant, well err is human
Antwort von Quadruplex:
Do not even want to go into detail, but my subjective impression.
All too - I can tolerate ..
Incidentally, the word seems to silicone in the U.S. actually mistakenly used for silicon to be synonymous. Did I read so often, for example:
Train from all mechanisms
Whether it is erroneously or colloquially, is debatable. In the 'Silicon Valley' in any event have already gathered more than ten years, not the Schönheitschirugen, but the semiconductor industry. Mr. Wunderlich but chattered gaily from the German Silicone - You here guckst. In my first post
Antwort von domain:
Could it be that you may be a slight antipathy WoWu entertain? ;-))
Does not pay, is indisputably an expert, but nobody is perfect, if that is not synonymous occasionally seen.
Antwort von Quadruplex:
Could it be that you may be a slight antipathy WoWu entertain? ;-))
Yes - he has acquired in good faith with his appearance in the forum.
Does not pay, is indisputably an expert,
I would dispute this, given his many mistakes here very much. Which is not compensated by detailed knowledge.
Antwort von tillbaer:
So, that really have me really interested in the experiences of the 151st But what is going on here is really incredible. Are we here at the Bild newspaper or Brisant?
The etiquette here are beneath all pig! Why does everyone here says, he would have to ruin their views on others? Are you here because only neurotic profile way?
Increasingly, newcomers are synonymous throughout their questions politely and immediately runtergemacht and abused at worst one's.
Too bad - but the rot Slashcam forum is!
Only the camcorder-comparison database is unparalleled.
My request s.SLASHCAM: Separates the forum on a new entrant in the forum and in a professional forum in which could then distinguish those who have the need!
Sad sad!
Antwort von pailes:
Why does everyone here says, he would have to ruin their views on others? Are you here because only neurotic profile way?
You speak from my soul.
Antwort von motiongroup:
What better Tillbaer you so shocked?? Meeting in the real world different religions together gehts but much worse ..... WAR is usually the result ...
Let the gurus do it once, and the novice or nonprofessional rather quickly notice it is usually not distinguish the gurus of which are not ON TOP ..
Shut up and sit back ... out and enjoy and marvel again ...
Antwort von tillbaer:
Thank you for your understanding - that's good :-)
Have I already have a calming coffee poured.
Antwort von domain:
The etiquette here are beneath all pig!
Sad sad!
Is not so bad, but among all sows could be synonymous to express noble, such as "sub beneath contempt" in Latin, "omnes canons," although that word still has older roots:
(The formation of the canon, Old Hebrew canon 'balance beam, bar, scale ") is the part of education, which constitutes the essential core of a culture, or is deemed to be of such cultural institutions.
Antwort von Jan:
@ Leffy and Pailes - my answer was somewhat exaggerated, I admit. The two of you, but you hochgeschaukelt synonymous and thus the Sony & Canon Group worm made. You can read everything in the thread.
Thus the motto:
"Can it not be, the 720 / 50 P should still be better than the other 1080i material that can not come to be the SonyFX 1000 there is better (; Videoaktivtester have no idea etc)"
Who has now taken the test at CTV, Ms. Gebhardt (; 720 P-confessed fan) or who?
Many of the recent 720 P models have failed, with known users, synonymous with an estimated users of the video meeting. It need not even apply for the HMC 151, but has some bad conditions, they indeed systemic inherited.
Eh, I read 8 different films and photo magazines, VAD stop is one of them. Have therefore not been retained as a VAD to professional Stillimage.
Antwort von WoWu:
@ Jan
It need not even apply for the HMC 151, but has some bad conditions, they indeed systemic inherited.
Can you briefly explain what you mean my sake?
@ Pailes
I've written several times that the AVCHD handling is cumbersome. Now that I have transcoded, however, it can actually process brilliantly, which is correct.
What kind of HW / SW configuration do you use?
We have installed 2 days ago the ADOBE / NVIDIA combination and the first attempts were pretty convincing.
It seems synonymous now go in the consumer sector.
Final Cut Pro (or, if you use Apple's) it is difficult to accept because Final Cut Pro for only 1080i AVC (; and synonymous only the basic data rate) and under 6.0.4 and 10.5.5 nothing running.
To that extent one must if one is working in 720 (; we look synonymous) very accurate, looks like the environment.
@ Leffy, Pailes, tillbaer
The sound here in the forum is generally not so bad.
We must not only just fitted in with the foot s.The Pandora's box encounter, or genuflect before the holy grail forget ... then it goes really.
Only some lateral thinking here is not really announced.
But otherwise (one can, say almost) everything.
@ Domain
Thanks for the attempt at mediation, but I think quadruplex can be reached any more.
Obviously, he has failed with an attempt to be taken to exclude me from the forum and now has the grave struggle. If one were to reach him, then, one would have to go into his ditch, and would naturally run the risk of losing their horizons. It's not worth it.
Anyone that is interested (; should probably None) quietly read the posted threads and then form their own judgments.
So I am very grateful for the bundle.
Antwort von PowerMac:
Kinners how would it be if ye would rather ally and can not stand me?
Antwort von WoWu:
Patrick, as we all do anyway, but this requires even more wide Prerequisites None ... :-)
Sorry for the re-s.pailes OT
Antwort von pailes:
@ Leffy and Pailes - my answer was somewhat exaggerated, I admit. The two of you, but you hochgeschaukelt synonymous and thus the Sony & Canon Group worm made. You can read everything in the thread.
Sorry, but I really see it differently. I wrote to get that neither Canon Sonynoch the question for me, because their cameras to record in the price range does not 720p/50. More I did not say.
I have merely stated that the HMC151E is brighter than the FX-1000E, and this is relatively obvious. In addition, I have even confirmed that the XH-A1 delivers 1080i the picture sharper. So I really ask myself how to brand with some it may feel much obliged that you immediately go to the barricades when someone is not complying with their own thoughts.
@ WoWu:
Apology accepted ;-)
I've done some tests with Final Cut Pro 6.0.4 and AVCHD, and at 720p/50 Log & Transfer with a division bailed out by 0. NTSC material with 720p/60 I was able to import, however, but it was too unreliable to me and then I switched to Toast 9 for transcoding. Synonymous There are other tools, but because it goes with Toast 9 relative difficulty of the stage, I've tried so far nothing else. We hear the FCS 3 AVCHD natively supported until then, I hope that there may still updates for FCS 2, which eliminate the minor problems with the AVCHD streams of HMC151E.
@ PowerMac:
Sorry but I can not oblige you do, I myself am a vegetarian and Mac users ;-)