Frage von prysma:
Phew! 250 Euro for an Original Battery of Canon (BP970G) - this is already a mouthful. Again and again I read the offers on eBay, an alternative that only costs about a fifth.
Has anyone experience with a good alternative product made and can give me a recommendation where I am for little money a quality battery for the Canon XH A1 can receive?
Greetings - Jürgen
Antwort von thewhitesmoke:

little money, little quality?
demdoch quite high when you have your camcorder synonymous attention.
That does not mean cheap good does not exist.
However, be on something but the highest quality ensured.
of Varta, Ansmann Hähnel or there certainly was good, where synonymous jmd behind should something happen.
I found the
Ps look at the
Antwort von prysma:

Hi Ghost,
thank you for your interesting tip and synonymous links.
Have just sent a request, where the nearest dealer to find.
Netter Gruß - Jürgen
Antwort von BananaDragon:

There are other viable no-name products!
Antwort von thewhitesmoke:

probably standart antwort ..... with any well-stocked Fachhhändler or specialist near you;).
@ Banadragon
entshculdige fals me wrong, I should have expressed that there was no question of other products make worse!
only is it easy to be the lithium cells have a technical challenging, just like the above camcorder.
you should not because the same strategy in acquiring such products?
are synonymous for me other things like service, etc. (keyword insurance product) synonymous importance ..... unfortunately I had to first learn what it even means something.
naja, as always, Faithfully
ps: Technical properties of lithium as lithium polymer cells (batteries) are very good technically and objectively, such as on the wiki homepage Assessment, without which the sum of the Manufacturer already provide.
Antwort von Axel:

Manufacturer claims that the external batteries are dangerous. Lately, however, missing the reference in the instructions that disregard this notice or any liability guarantee deleted. You have certainly heard that
Without the technical background to understand: I hear that
we should make sure that the battery is an "overload protection" have. Although I doubt s.der reliability of such information for Internet merchants, but if this information is missing, I would prefer to take a different product.
Antwort von thewhitesmoke:

not only the dealer can say whether such "IC's" broad vera have been or
may not ......
A wool is synonymous advance!
and yes it is still classified at the "Info-Lithium 'technique of sony not even mentioned.
Antwort von Axel:
not only the dealer can say whether such "IC's" broad vera have been or may not ...... A wool is synonymous advance!
and yes it is still classified at the "Info-Lithium 'technique of sony not even mentioned. Perhaps I had in my previous Sony's just luck with the cheap batteries. Those who believe already that bad, what can happen if it goes well over the years?
Similarly it is with the "Firewire zerschossen" phenomenon in which one believes it or not, when one-or Ausstöpseln s.Camera calculator or a high load of his body, transfers obtained by the scuff on the carpet has captured. Sounds like an urban myth. Unfortunately, there are now two of my friend so happens, and the damage was considerable.
Who knows, maybe my camera just melts in your pocket, because I forgot yesterday to rauszunehmen Battery half full? Canon will replace everything to me if it was genuine Canon Battery?
Antwort von thewhitesmoke:

I can help you with your specific example, say nothing, because I'm no lawyer, but I know the above mentioned product Insurance Now.
ie the above-mentioned problem, I know FireWire.
In this case it was a notebook which it has suffered total damage.
The dealer is
not obligated to replace you. As we are purely legal in Germany Manufacturer guarantees to buy (yes that is synonymous with the Preisgestalltung about this, there are serious differences).
Situation was at the end of the cable, Mr. Teller very closely with the specialty and has cooperated with the insurance Schadenübernommen has.
If you buy some now an x-belibiges product on the Internet, I can One such way is difficult to imagine.
ghost [/ b]
Antwort von thewhitesmoke:

oh and in real life as synonymous, one saves like s.Versicherungen intended only for the "Fall of the cases" are those most accurate and cost money.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
Manufacturer claims that the external batteries are dangerous ... you should make sure that the battery is an "overload protection" have. Fairly comprehensive information relating to can be found here: / battery / index_en.html
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von thewhitesmoke:

Mh Batteries And what should you buy now? * confused *
Antwort von thewhitesmoke:

None of this should say: Thou shalt / must buy this.
But a well-informed Fachhänder / retail only product you will sell the above-mentioned "criticisms" do not have.
Antwort von BananaDragon:

Or someone who has good experience with a specific battery has, it can report.
Antwort von thewhitesmoke:

Hi Dragon,
I agree you are absolutely right!
I only with the approval painful experience.
Antwort von BananaDragon:

That is always so ne thing, yes.
Very honest. I have no 250 for s Battery. And if I have two wishes already sinds 500th
Antwort von r.p. television:

So I use now for a year and a half on my XL-H1 Cheap Batteries from China and the series-Battery of Canon.
The Series Battery is already after nine months have been completely dead (not deep discharge, long storage full / empty, fall, etc.).
The two low-cost with 6600 mAh Batteries are still top in order. With one I can turn loose 4 hours.
The same synonymous fit into your XH-A1.
Hab grade in the bill of my suppliers geguckt (who gave me the battery is recommended and supplied with the camera) - because, unfortunately, is synonymous only China Battery 6600 mAh. At the Battery is "for Canon DC248 Li-Ion Battery pack" and s.der Page is a sticker with "Made in China No.592413.
Maybe you can help the next yes.
I can tell you this in any case recommend Batteries. , 60, - euros net per unit cost.
Antwort von BananaDragon:

Thanks for the tip!
Antwort von thewhitesmoke:

which must be so, I have by the above example synonymous never claimed!
I have (in my opinion) is only an equivalent, slightly less expensive alternative called (I think a good 100 Euros, but believe heist not know!), to my knowledge, the specific points does not have.
That this is not
only the product above is true, I have with the names of several producers tried to exclude synonymous.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... For Canon DC248 ... Made in China ... If these are:,
too bad they can really not be.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von thewhitesmoke:

Hello Bernd,
thank you for your tip as a consumer is certainly very good price performance ratio.
Antwort von r.p. television:

@ bernd:
That they are!
The recommend my sales person who is very serious stuff and synonymous sold s.denen he deserves less time, but knows that the customer is served.
He sold the same synonymous XH-A1 with buyers, because the are better than the serial Batteries.
Antwort von prysma:

I have now ordered 2 different Batteries:
One of the designation with Hähnel HL-970 to the price of 88, - Euro and an alternative to the second battery from the importer OEGE the price of 49, - Euro
In OEGE I have on my SONY HC1 anden only three batteries, with which I am now over a year'm very satisfied. In addition, both suppliers overcharge protection and guarantee of quality.
Greetings - Jürgen
Antwort von PowerMac:

Funny, in the shop are synonymous affordable V-Mount Batteries!
Antwort von prysma:
Funny, in the shop are synonymous affordable V-Mount Batteries! Funny stuff I like! But what is it funny?
And what are the Batteries? Something special, perhaps? * GRINS
Antwort von prysma:

Have now
with the designation Hähnel HL-970 to the price of 88, - Euro for 7 days in use. Good 4.5 hours runtime at full load are the result. The serious statement regarding the Überladungs-/Kurzschluss-Schutzes and a clear commitment to quality have prompted me, this battery a try. Daily two times completely recharge and he plays well with. OK - you can permanently secure only after months of saying, but is required for a Canon original battery is now three times the price. Although the HL-970 is only half the life span should have - in my view, still a bargain.
Greetings - Jürgen
Antwort von Oliver B.:

Caution with the Hähnel HL-945! The fit lasts longer than the (supplied) BP-950G, just back out to get him more ...
Greetings Oliver
Antwort von smooth-appeal:

How about with Swit or Anton Bauer?
Antwort von Sten:

öhm the HL-945 is not synonymous for XH series, but rather the HL-945c.
small subtle differences in the U.S. but rarely sees jdenfalls was just above the HL-970 mentioned in the same size has more capacity, 4500 to the new 970er 7500mAh
Antwort von Oliver B.:

Already aware that here in this thread from the HL-970, the speech was, I just wanted synonymous
general warning against the HL-945 issue, because maybe other BenuterInnen so naive as a battery and I only once in the camera move - and since neither the seller of such a fine distinction was still on the packaging of Hähnel stood for what the camera battery is designed. And according to Canon manual fits so a BP-945 in the XH A1, who has an idea as that in a Hähnel HL-945 and a HL-945c there. : o)
Regards, Oliver [/ img]
Antwort von ujoss:

Is just me, three days after I bought the A1 happens. As they get out - no customer service?
Thanks in advance
Antwort von Oliver B.:

Hi Ulli,
I have the battery out then by getting the bottom cover plate (to connect the tripod around) and was removed through a small opening to the slot Battery Battery with a small precision screwdriver was postponed - for pieces of scrap is quite Friemelsarbeit. Be careful if you also plan!
Greetings Oliver
Antwort von ujoss:

Thanks for the info, I'm not the Frickler. I'm so totally naive to the Canon Service (Berlin), and they have to warranty the battery taken out.
Now only remains for the battery issue.
Many greetings and happy shooting
Antwort von j.c.:

I am a little insecure. After he sent me of different merchants for the XH A1 "was recommended, I had the HL-945 of Hahnel purchased and had him forcibly removed.
Now I am looking for an alternative. No. Before a product name synonymous scare me a little back. Hahnel As a good brand seems to be, I would like to stay, but still hesitating to HL-970 to buy. What if he does not synonymous, despite Recommendation fit?
Can anyone promise that he actually fits and what (long-) experience he has?
Antwort von Bernd E.:
HL-945 ... of ... Hahnel had him forcibly removed from ... What Hähnel says because of this? After all, this is a very reputable manufacturer and the HL-945 - it is believed the site - officially for the XH-A1 suited.
Antwort von j.c.:

Hahnel actually gave me (among other companies) the HL-945 for the XH A1 is recommended. I have however now notified that they will prefer not to do. (That they have not responded yet - I wish if the comment should)
But the more interesting is my uncertainty-if I am not even on the manufacturer's instructions to leave it!