Frage von Gast:
Hello forum.
had recently with a hell-animated effort in AFX 6 Pro is a rauchschwade and have been playing with the thoughts to me a few times zuzulegen plugins.
was thinking s.trapcode 'particular' (or maybe even longer bundle with extra 'shine', 'starglow' and like all of them hot).
just before I do, I would ask here first time, whether it is cheaper or a similar
freeware plugin even particles. yet I could not find it, but nothing has so hot.
Many thanks to you ...
Antwort von Gast1: effects / main.html
Once gegoogeld (After Effects particle plugins) and 295,000 Suchreergebnisse, the first two above.
Antwort von Gast:

which was not bad, the google-witz.
no, mal im ernst. if I had not been googling, I would not be here.
'm always moreover s.googlen yet ...
Antwort von Gast user:

did you have the CC Cycore looked closer-particle effects?
Antwort von Gast:

just right away. cool tip, thanks.
'Particle World' sounds very interesting. gibts but apparently only in the package 'Cycore FX HD' for about the same price as 'Trapcode Particular' alone. therefore, are worth, after all, a reflexion, has been around once more for the monetary quantity.
synonymous in the 'DigiEffects Delirium' are probably particle-plugins package contains, but it is synonymous umpteen other again, which I now do not really need - but with going to pay. synonymous, the 'Sapphire Plug-ins' gibts probably ever upward as a package only $ US600.
so really, I need really erstmal plugin only one particle. have the
coal currently not so thick stick.
Antwort von stonecutter:

This here is unfortunately no longer maintained, but was free and I believe should still be downloadable ....
Antwort von stonecutter:

why third party plugins?
The particles of Cycore plugins are by default included in the pro version of After Effects ...
as synonymous of the particle world!
Antwort von Gast:

@ 1 Guest:
synonymous to thank for this tip.
was the time to test, although I do not think that it is what I seek. the particles, which wants to produce me, you should already s.videomaterial in which they can align be involved. so I would just prefer a plugin for AFX.
this 'Particles' probably only runs on the 'Revolution 3D graphics engine', which is all quite difficult in 3D direction - for me a book with seven seals.
@ 2 Guest: (I regret my username)
ne, da gibts in simulation only "smash" and "Particle Simulation. "Particle World" to my knowledge only s.6.5.
Antwort von Der Dirk:

If I connect with a question that might be synonymous here of interest:
Can one really (and if so, where bekommenn) old versions of plugins? I mean it from AE 5 times, or run on later versions, even no more?
Antwort von Harald:

I once had ne tutorial CD, which I believe as a bonus some older plug-ins with were on it. Unfortunately I can not tell you how to say, because I do not think.
But it was not "Classroom in a book".
Antwort von cassiopaya:

There are many ways as you get close s.dieses free plugin ... , D