Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Hier geht es zur Newsmeldung: Analog Film productive than Digital?
Antwort von Zizi:

In my opinion, no one knows more differences between a 35mm Film Camera CMOS Analog and current.
The "film look" so dust, film grain, etc. You can do just as well in the post and the dynamic range is little more at very low current CMOS sensors! In the coming months / years .. Maybe even higher
The only argument that can think for motion picture film is generally accurate and precise mode of working chosen composition (as expensive) and nostalgia .. But otherwise, but Digital has significantly more benefits!
Antwort von carstenkurz:

One should not be synonymous with a flat argue. The relevant system properties are not the only relevant. For video, although there are well-established workflows and a variety of editing systems for the relief of 35mm film, however, come only RAW-based systems and work methods in question. 35mm workflow, but are standardized for decades and each copy center, post office every house, every professional crew member is familiar with and knows the ways of working. RAW capture and workflow, it still looks like that every camera requires a separate operation, or that standardized workflows, each with optimal quality and processing have yet to be developed and established. The expense and the risk relative to the cost benefits of digital stop working now something else. One just needs to make ne weigh the advantages and disadvantages in these respects. Some directors and producers that bring different priorities to stop.
For the indie alone are the material, development and handling cost prohibitive in the film, if he does not get sponsored. For larger productions, such costs, depending on the play but a minor role and functioning of safety and routine of work are more important.
And a correspondingly well-known and influential DoP or director is in doubt, just synonymous beyond all rational reasoning simply enforce time his preference.
- Carsten
Antwort von domain:

Non-negligible cost will be synonymous with digital production, the cost of long-term follow-archiving. Because without professionally developed material, which currently survives decades to centuries, it will be necessary for purely digital storage of a permanent and highly guarded dynamic file maintenance procedure and is expensive.
Permanent copying in newer format including error compensation is required.
Plays for amateurs, of course, was not that important, because interested descendants more commonly less for old footage of her parents, unless it concerns highly personal memories s.div. People, but then a neat event-album is probably the better choice anyway, because these still survive s.ehesten the general tidy up and disposal process.
Antwort von carstenkurz:

Yes, with the archive problem fighting synonymous Hollywood. And not just the final product, but all synonymous intermediates. To date, the complete production material was thrown away in containers and. Lately, however, since land growing CD-Rs and DVD-Rs and other half-cooked stuff that you could just as easily disposed of strictly equal in the trash. For multiple use common today synonymous ne must be stored quantity of such material.
Because quite clearly lacking a digital standard format for archival purposes. That of imaging of a 'master copy', optionally in color separations or as a 'digital bar code' for integration into existing film stock is still a problem to be solved relatively easily.
- Carsten
Antwort von Schleichmichel:
The only argument that can think for motion picture film is generally accurate and precise mode of working chosen composition (as expensive) and nostalgia .. So with such a paradigm, you should not be a cameraman, if you only accurate and working wonders if the time recording system costs a lot.
You have probably not have much experience with film, otherwise you would not reduce it to dust grains and as a feature. Mach mal a few slides of a river with reflections (exposure to environment, not for the reflections) and then draw the same scene on video. Comparison of the projection. Drinking after a hot first time in peace with amaretto cream.
Reversal film and eats out faster than the negative!
For archiving: color separation Ausbelichtungen in 4K are currently standard in the USA.
Antwort von Zizi:

I doubt that anyone in the final film there a notice differences, at least in the moving image!
The most expensive and best analogue film reels are in a position to cope with 14-16 stops at the best CMOS sensors can already max. 14!
Before few years it was in digital still half!
How long will it take until probably catch them?
The first CMOS ADC are already in development ..
Nostalgia is more than a predilection and Workflow Nutzenfrage!
I would be synonymous FILM turn in when I have the budget .. Cooler with organic material is easy to rotate as with 0s and 1s!
Nevertheless, I do not see any significant benefits more ..
So with such a paradigm, you should not be a cameraman, if you only accurate and working wonders if the time recording system costs a lot. ISt but mostly so .. if the film the minute costs 2000 ¬ 0 ¬ and the digital to analog then turn the most accurate and thought out!
Of course, this is synonymous with digital .. but not with such caution ;-)
Antwort von B.DeKid:

The issue of long-term storage is the main sticking point in digital projects - no preference whether Stillimage or movie!
Antwort von Buchungszeichen:

In my opinion, a piece of analog film culture (past) and should be preserved for that reason alone. The crackling of the coils can be synonymous, although import digital, but is simply not the reality.
The digital film processing is still in its Kinerschuhen. As long as there is no uniform standard, and not accidentally every year, 10 new, the analog film still a potential that must not be neglected. It has also been said that every digital camera its own style and has its own quirks. But it should be synonymous to see that these quirks synonymous just a piece of culture (are present).
Antwort von Valentino:

@ Zizi
Because I can creep Michel only right you have to give of footage at all times no Anhnung. All you Schmeister here with any aperture values around you making it so in reality, at D-Cinema / Video not yet available.
Here are a few known values for D-Cinema Camera, so several of colleagues have been confirmed / measured:
Red One: 7 to 8 panels, if synonymous RED indicates 11, the camera never stops reaching s.Set more than 9 screens. The Epic will therefore create a true 11 stops.
D21: 8 to 9 stops being then recorded in the log mode must be. The newly announced ARRI image intensifier should be able to process 14 screens appear.
F35: 9 to 10 screens, synonymous here with this camera should be re-set on S-log.
Si2k: So between 8 to 9 screens
All of these cameras in the rental cost with the correct lenses and accessories as much, if not more than one camera set S16.
As long as the cameras are more than 8 screens should be fine, because the 35mm demonstration material can tranportieren no more than 8 screens ;-) When Digitalt projection after DCP standard there are a couple more screens, but they are synonymous to 14 screens this not.
This time you should be with the characteristics of motion picture film (eg, employ Vision3).
Clipping mere fact that D-cinema cameras with motion picture film and highlights much earlier than is currently in bright locations (desert, snow, etc.) a great advantage.
Antwort von carstenkurz:

So with such a paradigm, you should not be a cameraman, if you only accurate and working wonders if the time recording system costs a lot.
Well, Ansel Adams was synonymous 'similar' view when he's synonymous not purely financial point of view ;-)
- Carsten