Frage von Blackeagle123:
I'm looking for an analog / digital converter. I wish him via Firewire s.den PC and:
s.Analoges material on RCA (or BNC) can restore
b) The material which I have edited in Premiere via firewire s.einen TV (once again analog) can spend.
In my old camera, which is broken, such a converter was built with Firewire In and Out.
Can this device only s.oder synonymous b)?
Which devices can you recommend?
Many greetings,
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

One possibility would be synonymous to the ADVC110, which it seems (apparently!) Can be, right?
Many greetings,
Antwort von robbie:

55 can only s.110 a and b, if I remember rightly ...
Antwort von JMS Productions:

Der ADVC-110 ADVC-55
If you have more quality from the bands rausholen want, would be
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

Thanks for the answers. I want to get the converter synonymous with the later cut to restore the Picture on a TV directly from Premiere to be able to spend. Since I very much cut, which would be 300 euros, after a short time expected. Can I use the software as synonymous to 110 Download / Buy? So there is a difference in the hardware?
I am pleased with the quick answers! =)
Many greetings,
Antwort von pkirschke:

I had the same right, namely the analogue material to cut. I am after several trials of different hardware and software at the ADVC110 landed and take with the MainConcept H264 on.
In my recorder TechniSat the files are in MPG format. Advertising with VideoReDo, I cut out. Authoring, so pasting of the chapter marks, menus and burn I do with DVDLab. All Programs are initially a bit, the finished product speaks for itself. If you want to cut his own films, I would always advise to Premiere CS3. Look the forum after the Progs and work through you. MOST BEAUTIFUL SUNDAY nor Paul
Antwort von JMS Productions:
Can I use the software as synonymous to 110 Download / Buy? So there is a difference in the hardware? The 110 has no bundled software, as it is not possible, different optimization settings. The grind of the analog picture, makes it a digital and there are either digital or analog out again. Setting you can because, unfortunately, nothing ... This would require you to purchase ADVC-300 ... Hardware differentiates the two is that the ADVC-300 or a component output (Y, BY (U), RY (V)) holds.
This question-and-optimization options but rather for the direct digitization of analog material thought. If you hit the transformer exclusively for the use as a preview function on the Television want to use the 300 for this activity to pity or "oversized". This goes completely out of the 110. Also yes you want to preview on the TV Picture-neutral as possible have, so bring you the options synonymous not much, because that you can change the image color, sharpness, etc adjustment, so you s.Ende not receive more neutral picture.
I want to get the converter synonymous with the later cut to restore the Picture on a TV directly from Premiere to be able to spend. Among other things synonymous for this reason I have the ADVC-300 increased. Note, however: You need to (as I found out) a very powerful PC, otherwise you can record your video in Premiere does not run in real time, as the picture on the television always lags a little behind. (If, unfortunately at the moment for me as yet)
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

with the 110 so I can picture this on the TV output. The time delay can be synonymous with a very fast PC is not optimized. It will always remain (in comparison to PC-Picture). How quickly the PC starts, however, the material issue, or whether he plays in the original time depends of course from the PC. But that is when the calculator is no problem!
I will anyway with Adobe Premiere and output per record. Therefore, my avi format is sufficient.
Another question: Is there a qualitative difference when I use my SD (!) MiniDV tapes on the analog input to inserting the PC, should I ever of the camera via firewire to restore? Or is no difference to see?
Many greetings,
Antwort von JMS Productions:

Another question:
Is there a qualitative difference when I use my SD (!) MiniDV tapes on the analog input to inserting the PC, should I ever of the camera via firewire to restore? Or is no difference to see? That is, in fact, an interesting question that I already synonymous came before me the ADVC-300 has increased. I tested this scenario, however, never be this way but it will not synonymous. It is logical that the analog output of video camera (TRS on Chinchausgang) as a worse picture delivers, as the digital output of your FireWire-Cam. Sure, as an A / D converter converts an analog picture professionally as well as possible in a digital order, you can find it synonymous hinbekommen that you merglichen no qualitative difference, but from the conversion of analog to digital is always something lost.
Already for this reason alone I would the SD tapes of early s.gleich digital copy (via FireWire), as the detour via analog output and subsequent conversion to go digital ...
Antwort von thos-berlin:

The "Umwg" on the AD converter is nonsense.
The SD digital signals are in the correct format and will output via firewire 1:1. Then it makes sense to the 1:1 Üner Firewire directly into the PC to play.
Why the amateur digital signal with analog technology to bring it back next 50 cm with amateur equipment in exactly the same format digitizer. About Liquid quality loss.
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

simply because I have a miniDV player WITHOUT firewire did. ;-)
Now is the reflection of how bad the quality will be. Or whether I am in a new Plaer should invest.
Many greetings,
Antwort von JMS Productions:

simply because I have a miniDV player WITHOUT firewire did. ;-) You have a miniDV player, but do not have FireWire output? Uh, yes class, which outputs it as then? Scart, Component? Such a device is now synonymous to me never to come. To what kind of device is because (brand, etc)? I would be truly interested in who will provide a MiniDV player designed and not integrated FireWire output ...
And thou hast no MiniDV Camera rumfahren somewhere, because every standardized Cam should be at least a FireWire output possess, if not synonymous FireWire input. Thus, you can play on your tapes. Or have any acquaintances, friends, etc? But anyone is certainly ne stinknormale SD MiniDV Cam possess ...
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

So, then quite extensively jettz: The player has Firewire, but this does not work anymore. On the motherboard supposedly blown, it would really cost much money, is not what I would like to invest. Since I prefer to buy a small used car ;-)
Of course I could buy miniDV camera, but that is not meaning and purpose. Hence the question whether with the D / A converter a major qualitative difference is seen. Output would be RCA (1x Video, 2x sound).
I like to refrain Camera, which will always (unprofessional) rumfliegt and DVCam s.Ende not play.
Since according to the Project vary the cameras, I lend them to me always. If I had a lot of material (about 20 tapes or more) and I use the camera for 2 days for the dubbing to rent can be a "stopgap measure" to be. Unless you notice severe quality loss.
Many greetings,
Antwort von JMS Productions:

Ok, now it is synonymous to me clearer. So under such circumstances, it is this way of course, understandable. As I have said to you that I have never been tested, I can at the moment you do not provide authoritative statement. What I do know is that as an A / D converter of the picture and sound quality is no visible difference from the original
supply. But this is heavily dependent on playback device when the device ausgeleiertes, filthy part, may not synonymous A / D converter generates an 1a Picture conjure. If the tapes and the playback device, but a clean, provide good picture, it might be that no visible difference you'll notice, though quality is lost ...
Because me the whole time but even interested, I will test times for you and notify you the result :-)
Antwort von JMS Productions:

So the test I have done.
Implemented with my Panasonic NV-GS230 and my Canopus A/D-Wandler-300.
Implementation 1: Once the live image s.Analogausgang via jack-to-RCA cable and picked directly into the converter and once the live image via FireWire to the PC.
Implementation 2: A recorded MiniDV tape s.Analogausgang by jack-to-RCA cable and picked directly into the converter and once via FireWire to the PC.
I have the ADVC-menu (contrary to the recommendation in the manual) adjustable all optimizations disabled and improvements to a neutral picture to obtain
Result: In two penetrations, the Picture, which directly via FireWire of the Cam to the PC was a bit brighter than the picture of the converter. Since the FireWire picture was somewhat brighter, however, image noise was therefore easier to detect.
Now I have all the optimization settings of the converter to the standard left.
Result: In two penetrations, the Picture of A / D converter is a little better compared to the direct FireWire signal. The Picture of the A / D converter was less noisy (synonymous if only slightly) and the colors were (very slightly) stronger out. (Ratings s.PC monitor, no DVD because I had to put it more rauszubrennen. I think rausgebrannt s.TV monitor would have to recognize no difference). Of course, with the result of the adjustment possibilities of the ADVC-300 to do (noise optimization, color, etc.). At the settings I have extra of the testes because nothing changed, but left on default.
Conclusion: According to my tests (of myself a bit surprised), it is theoretically and practically possible synonymous apparently a DV signal through the recruitment potential of the ADVC-300 direct to the FireWire signal to improve.
This affects only the ADVC-300, because his predecessors have such a software to separate the individual setting is not what it probably corresponds to the test, where I have all settings turned off.
Consequently, your project does not actually stand in the way (provided of course you would the ADVC-300 for the options to use), I would recommend that under normal circumstances, but nevertheless the FireWire version, because of the 1:1 copy. So an A / D converter is also primarily on the digitization of analog material thought ...
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

Thanks for the really detailed review on the synonymous but I'm very surprised! The device works flawlessly and does not provide pixel errors / noise or the like. So I will skip the mini-MAZ ;-) on the analog output s.den A / D converter connect!
Many greetings,
Antwort von JMS Productions:
So I will skip the mini-MAZ ;-) on the analog output s.den A / D converter connect! What you also can do, is a high quality component cables (yellow, white, red) between the transformer and connect to the MAZ. Synonymous because such things make quality differences from ;-) Take So (if you are on the safe side do) not a cut part for 2 ¬.