Frage von oliwarius:
have a few problems with pinnacle 9 Plus and hope you can help me because:
I would like a dvd menu with animated image sequences using chapter, have been synonymous to the corresponding button switched active (animated miniatures), but last for only so moving miniatures around 1 second (!), which of course looks totally incomplete. what exactly do I need to do to ensure that the miniatures synonymous last as long as the dvd menu is laid out?
actually does the dvd menu synonymous properly eg if I have a completely blank page sections, and all the manual controls to assemble? So for example, a square raised who with this shadowy deposit including a chapter-typing text and grouped everything together? or is it generally better to fall back on pinnacle, the program offered by the templates? (which is not really the point of it is)
3. I mean if the sequence of chapters arranged inividuell, Nutty However, in retrospect, the writing, etc. subsequently change brings me to my pinnacle was previously so painfully put together window chapter numbering totally confused!?? Perhaps this may be because the individual chapters including text window name overlap each other? say, this really is the reason?
have had 2 songs placed on the 2 different audio tracks and run into one another. Now I would summarize the final two songs on the two tracks into a complete song, then the problems in the whole
can be moved. has unfortunately not been successful. how can I solve this prob?
is generally possible under pinnacle of a completely drawn storyboard before the actual burn a standard conversion of pal to ntsc or import the movie file just before the band through a device?
I thank schonmal very sincere thanks to you for your feedback!
viele grüsse aus münchen
Antwort von Udo Schröer:

The menu preview lasts as long as your clip where your marker is long. If you need a longer scene, you have to combine the video clip with the next scene.
Antwort von Udo Schröer:

Of course you can add a text frame to use as a button, plus you have to define but it's a button. If you're in the Edit menu, press mode button, then various buttons appear above, there is a submenu with which you define your own buttons kannst.erscheint a submenu