Frage von Blackeagle123:
yesterday evening Songcontest were really well-made animations to see the Euro vision for each country, while yours through space entourage is a
live. For example here is the Start Animation:
(See 2:55 minutes)
Has one of you seen the background information or a making of?
I go hard from the fact that the animations were completely finished and the camera of a computer has been moved so that it fits the video.
Or was adapted to the animation actually s.die camera movement, so that one could make with enormous computing power to any journey through space?
Technically, yes there was a huge effort and spared no effort operated.
Antwort von jwd96:

I've been thinking all the time synonymous, the effects were really awesome. A making-of my knowledge it does not exist. How could they have done it but otherwise, if not with programmed camera movements? Realtime 3D tracking powered by Boujou? (;
Antwort von Pianist:
How could they have done it but otherwise, if not with programmed camera movements? Realtime 3D tracking powered by Boujou? (; Of course. This requires no programmed camera movements, these stretch-controlled camera movements. Whether it over tripod heads or transducers s.den undergoes image analysis, which is really no preference. With the same technology but you can install as synonymous advertising on a soccer field or a line on a ski jump.
Antwort von Debonnaire:

I've watched synonymous and had initially asked me the same thing. However, I then noticed that the animations really do not really respond to the background ", but in principle with any camera movement (was Spider-cam) would have looked like. The particles were as animations have been completely canned and simply recorded in (somewhat "choreographed") live recordings. Actually quite straightforward when the animations are sometimes created.
What has disturbed me though was the extremely completely wrong colors for example, the flags! Red was always kind to each pinkhimbeerig and yellow to pale and pastel. Ghastly!