Frage von Ist doch Egal 31:
I want to with Magix Video Deluxe 2005 to export a short film as AviDV. The exported material but full Artefaktenfehle. Org material is ok. What could be the problem?
And thanks for the reply
Antwort von Markus:

if you get the shots kept unchanged from the camcorder as a DV-AVI (PAL) and edited in a DV-AVI (PAL) Project should, when you export as DV-AVI (PAL) there are no artifacts. Can you ever post one Stillimage so I can see the kind of mistake?
Antwort von Ist doch Egal 31:

Yes I see it as synonymous! Nevertheless, errors! Picture I can post nciht, knows how to do nich. But attempts to describe. They are small squares scattered across the screen flashing occurring singly or in prominent Heufchen and in other color than the surrounding area, hold as artifacts.
Antwort von Markus:

Strange! - Has the export as DV-AVI before the occurrence of this error always work properly? - I am (currently) a loss ...
A Picture You can make available as follows: Save a representative Stillimage such as a JPG file, place this file on your website link directly s.and the exact Url here in the forum.
Antwort von Ist doch Egal 31:

Unfortunately I have no HP: Whatever (I had previously Win2000 (now working with winXP) and the problem was not there, my buddy says it can s.Treibern or the new Media Player 10 are, at some time later will examine whether the true. I started my project in Sony Vegas 6 to make, until now, no problems remain, so here erstmal. But Mark thanks for the effort.