Frage von ice:
I've used the weekend, my contributions to various forums thema "shine" to listen to, but have become really smart that I'm not, so here is my (maybe something special) to ask:
I am with my cam (panasonic nv gs 230) quite often in Africa (video) on safari ... s.and s.bietet taking advantage of the opportunity to be guided night rides ... imagine the way that the group travel in a rather large truck sits with open sites, which in turn is with two rigid and with two of "chosen" operated spotlights fitted, classic, about the battery-powered spotlights (simple design) ... in all regular enough synonymous, to nahdistanz quite passable pictures (of course, gray or black and white) to film ... but I wonder if I was not even the quality could improve by a lamp - and if so, then with more visible or IR range ? would be nice to me when the technically adept among you (ie pretty much all) of one or the other rat could
merci bien
Antwort von Markus:

Shooting with the visible light has the advantage that you make pictures in color, whereas with only IR light greenish or b / w shots are possible.
At what distance are moving because your motives? The question is aimed at, whether it is realistic, with a sufficient battery light brightening to achieve.
Antwort von ice:

well, normally a maximum of 10 m distance ... but it is synonymous in the case next time his
Antwort von scubavideo1:

Hi ice,
I had a similar question recently have been answered here:
Since your cam a 3-chip model, it has almost certainly with no night vision mode (technical details see link above) and an IR spotlight brings you nothing.
I do ussynonymous underwater movies and voted for this purpose some battery operated underwater lights, the synonymous s.der work surface (note overheating problem). Suitable for your purposes might, for example a 24 watt HID headlights be. Maturity with a battery about 1.5 hours. The brightness represents approximately a 80 watt halogen bulb. The handy part weighs 2.1 kilograms.
The opening angle of 10 degrees gives you 10m away on a light cycle of approximately 1.7 m in diameter, that is exactly right for your purposes.
Available at mb-sub:
.... hope thats helpsful,
Antwort von ice:

help with security - however, this lamp will cost twice as much as my cam - that would be much more than I would pay ... anyway thanks for the tip
Antwort von ice:

Now I have read your link and comes to me the following idea: my wife is also a cam, however, an even simpler one-chip sony (model name, I just do not handle), but with night watch function - without too great check, I still had the impression that their subjective night recordings better look, as my ... could it objectively synonymous vote? and I would then function in the other thread recommended IR lamp can improve?
Thank you
Antwort von scubavideo1:

Hi ice,
yes, Einchipcamcorder with "Night Watch" fold its IR cut filter off if this feature is turned on and turn the front one or more IR LEDs for Lighting On. They are invisible for the eye.
You can indeed times in a trial stockdunklen bathroom turn on the electric heater. For a camera in the Night Watch-mode is like the stadium floodlights ;-)
Good luck!
Antwort von ice:

it leaves the question whether I with the IR lamp out of the thread you cited this function could be improved
Thank you
Antwort von Markus:
well, normally a maximum of 10 m distance ... but it is synonymous in the case next time his The battery is light with little to create, unless it'll help even more people to wear (the battery) with. Or, the tip of the quay with the small circle of light.
You can indeed times in a trial stockdunklen bathroom turn on the electric heater. IR light is spread over a much larger wavelength than visible light. A camcorder is working less with the thermal infrared with more than one wavelength, which is still very close s.sichtbaren area.
zum Bild