are any guide value, how much you can ask for exclusive content of television stations?
please no discussion, that it is so difficult to sell to the tv .... I definitely want the footage - I know just do not ask what I can / should ....
these are to lifestyle / boulevard material .... but as I said exclusive and sought after.
one hand should know what I need rohmaterial and what I can ask for a final contribution. possibility for in A, D, CH ind I (if the rates are different thanks in advance,
rockon lxrox
Antwort von marwie:
Such sweeping can not be said comes down to how exclusive the material is and what the station is worth. Finally, it is synonymous with on your negotiating skills.
Antwort von joey23:
If it necking Prince William with Michael Schumacher: 100,000 ¬ If that Opa Hermann cuddled with Grandma Frieda: 2 ¬