Frage von FAT CAT:![](
I'm working on with my friend s.einem script for our film.
I've done in the past smaller video clips with Adobe Premiere and have much synonymous with the camera filmed.
What I want to ask you is could you give me good advice about my questions:
- Seeking a video camera for no more than 1000 ¬ worth every cent.
What is good?
- We want as received Him dimly lit area and night to make the s.besten and how do I do what I need to know?
- What kind of tripod should I use? Would a wealthy because of Ebay for 30 ¬.
- How do I cut a movie with 60 minutes? On the piece? Otherwise, as I put together individual parts without losing quality?
Antwort von Markus:
- What kind of tripod should I use? Would a wealthy because of Ebay for 30 ¬. For 30 ¬ you will get at best a cheap camera tripod. What you need is a video tripod, with which you can rotate smoothly. Click once on the search function and search for "Velbon". Of Velbon Tripods are here for a long time no longer a secret. - Would be a pity if the new camcorder (and with it the camera work) suffers from an inferior tripod. ;-)
- How do I cut a movie with 60 minutes? On the piece? Otherwise, as I put together individual parts without losing quality? Yes, something s.Stück You cut loose. A large hard drive required for video files (DV-AVI) and a clever video-editing program. With "smart" I mean something other than Windows Movie Maker, but you've got anyway premiere. ;-)
If you captures the images as a DV-AVI in a DV editing and project as a DV-AVI spend (each with the same DV codec), there is no loss in quality.
Learn More:
FireWire FAQ">Camcorder / recorder s.PC connect, capture and edit images
Antwort von beiti:
What are the technical equipment necessary / useful depends entirely on the nature, content and purpose of the film. (You have not yet come to much implied.)
Choose just one example: For night photography you can use a camcorder with good lowlight properties, under shooting conditions documentary (Reportage or "Dogma" film) so you can get good shots. But if you want to turn rather filmmäßig, you should rather work with lights and share that light that is both effectively as synonymous bright enough for high-quality recording. In the latter case it is sufficient to moderate a camcorder with lowlight properties and you'd better save your money for lights.
Antwort von Axel:
I've done in the past smaller video clips with Adobe Premiere and have much synonymous with the camera filmed. Ever good. You can apples of different bulbs.
- Seeking a video camera for no more than 1000 ¬ worth every cent.
What is good? I agree with Acer topped the honor, the taste of the computer purchase is only of its market data is:
Zum Ersten.and
Second. - We want as received Him dimly lit area and night to make the s.besten and how do I do what I need to know? 1. How do you light the scene? Should no street lamps or car headlights to be seen, du film s.besten at dusk. Should Moonlight be meant du film s.besten midday sunlight, underexpose slightly and take out the postpro saturation.
2. No autofocus, scharfstellen of hand!
3. Is no residual light amplifiers (shown at fully open aperture as "Gain + x dB" etc.): This leads to image noise and looks quite nasty after Fideo from (Blair Witch) dirt.
4. Make test recordings.
- What kind of tripod should I use? Would a wealthy because of Ebay for 30 ¬. Depends. A small camera does not need a huge double profile. But you should have a good damping of the head. New this Tripods s.etwa 120 ¬ can be had (such as the Velbon DV -7000). I myself do not stand pans, are too kitschy. For sports reportage, landscapes or pictures of animals, how can one really do without it. My point exactly, kitschy.
- How do I cut a movie with 60 minutes? On the piece? Otherwise, as I put together individual parts without losing quality? 60 minutes? Gone with the Wind? Lawrence of Arabia? But you must know yourself. How you are cropping? You skizzierst the end of your movie in about this pattern:
1. Intro (Introduction, the theme will be demonstrated)
2. Increase. It happened. And - this leads - inevitably - to the
3. Climax, which I need not explain it?
4. Resolution, a nightcap, which leaves you satisfied.
Now you do in 60 minutes for example, 4 projects in APP * and lets you download all scenes in the appropriate Project 1,2,3 or 4 In doing so you throw away as much. Cutter know no mercy. Up to here everything is still an almost stupid sort work.
This procedure is probably not for you. Otherwise, leave it for a project and trying to divide the scenes well. Nestable projects are not readily available. Thanks to an early rendering of your hard disks can fill up quickly.) You have yet not a single clip in the timeline. Only the gecaptureten clips in the individual projects.
For this you first put the sequences (= to scenes), which you can give the same name (
"Lars comes too late," "Showdown with Rita). Well, it is important to pack the clips in the correct order in the timelines of the individual sequences. If you had only a timeline for 60 minutes, you'd never get an overview.
Then comes another shortening. And trimming (adjusting the intersection, in which picture clip goes into Clip Y on X?).
Then you can see all the sequences of a project s.Stück, adding they load it into a new sequence. This fall you still determined to length, and poor transitions of scene to scene.
Finally, corrections and effects to get the clipweise made.
Where does all this work, I would have all the timelines of all projects, the scenes (already are next described above, combined in new sequences ausrendern)
Antwort von PowerMac:
You skizzierst the end of your movie in about this pattern:
1. Intro (Introduction, the theme will be demonstrated)
2. Increase. It happened. And - this leads - inevitably - to the
3. Climax, which I need not explain it?
4. Resolution, a nightcap, which leaves you satisfied.
A short "demolition" in the "drama" ...;)