Frage von Mephisto123:
For several years I worked with Premiere and After Effects, now something has happened, what I still nnniiieeee staying:
Both Prmiere and After Effects to make no more films, which are older than approximately 3 months, so even Dv create movies.
All other format will also no longer aktzepiert, trying both Programs crash.
In my distress I then installed the Panasonic DV Kodek, at least my old DV editing data. The first of its kind does not work, secondly, is offered not on Premiere in the dialogue of creating the project Panasonik DV Kodek only. This makes me very puzzled, because I remember that was actually someday ....
Has anyone ne suggestion what I could make, or nen tip what could be happened??
Nen Order Must finish and the compiler will not do, quite inconvenient in some way ......
windows XP Mui Engl basic language;, Sp1 (or 2? Must look again ...)
Prem Pro 1
Ae 6.5
Dr. Divx
Camtasia (new can, there are ?????) aran
Various freeware
Tyan Thunder board
2 * 3.06 Intel Xeon
ATI Fire glx1
No capture card
Antwort von Markus:
Camtasia (new can, there are ?????) aran Hello,
The question is, what have you changed since the last viable state? Camtasia installed? - Did you by chance an image that you could replay, Camtasia trial basis in order to banish from the system?
Here it was a codec pack:
Adobe Problem: Programm funktioniert nicht mehr (with Happy End ;-)
Siehe synonymous:
No Image File - ranging synonymous Recovery?