Frage von berlinrocker:
I still have the problem that I want to separate in Edius NEO 2.5 Audio tracks and video tracks of today. So, I have a video track and two separate audio tracks.
Does anyone have any idea?! It is important!
Antwort von rush:

Moin ..
in the 5 .. right click on the two tracks -> group cancel / remove ... then audio is free to move and can be moved to other tracks
Antwort von berlinrocker:
in the 5 .. Hi Rush,
what is the situation in older versions, same game or another way?
Thanks! :-)
Antwort von nico:
what is the situation in older versions, same game or another way? Sorry, why this question?
I would try first one and then go when it actually does not work, ask again. But only then!