Frage von Natevi:
Hello Forumlinge,
I have a change in the system made of analogous to HDV and simultaneously of the PC to the Mac.
.... and then slowly smokes the head .....
Now I find in the video preferences are not the correct format, which delivers Cam 720p/50, the name is HDV Cam HD50P according to manual, in the selection list for Final Cut Pro but I find only DVC PRO HD - 720p50, HDV, or - 720 p.
Using the given different names for and same format?
What is the name for normal miniDV?
What should I choose there?
Besten Gruß
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... DVC PRO HD - 720p50, or HDV - 720 p. .. Using the given different names for the same format and ... No, that's okay: DVC PRO HD and HDV are quite different format.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Natevi:

So far from clear, but where can I find the choices?
Under "Easy Setup"?
Under "Audio - Video Settings"?
Antwort von Axel, Loggen geht nit:
So far from clear, but where can I find the choices?
Under "Easy Setup"?
Under "Audio - Video Settings"? I would take the latter. I had not yet to be done with 720p, but I think for "Recording" you simply choose "HDV", for the sequence on the other hand, HDV 720p50 (not sitting in front of the program, I hope there is default).
If the above are not in default "Easy Setup" that you can see the summary of all audio / video presets for this cam (JVC) and save it in the future as the "Easy Setup" load,-eg you should more cameras and format change, this is quite handy.
Antwort von Natevi:

That with the preferences is the problem, there's only 720p30, but could umkopieren and the parameters change. However, even then queried such things as pixel format, etc. Document the try.
Ne real challenge is when everything is new.
In any case, first thank you.
Besten Gruß
Antwort von Axel:
That with the preferences is the problem, there's only 720p30, but could umkopieren and the parameters change. In this case, it is not enough to copy the default and the frame rate to change. You need to upgrade to version 6.0.2 (System Preferences> Software Update). 50p HDV cams of the JVC is only recently supported. Then there's the finished synonymous preset.
Another tip: pixel formats and the like Gedo change in FC. Even if preferences among many parameters are listed, you need the least of which will ever adapt. Lately, there are many system Wechsler, and what they seem of the Windows world to bring, the obedience, a form when it appears, synonymous diligently filled. So this is not meant. Attempt the simplest way to correct the most Macs.
Antwort von Natevi:

Hello Axel,
yes yes the Windowsabtrünnigen .....
is a new world ...
I have the latest version, is only delivered last week and it is 6.0.2 and for software updates, I have sought synonymous.
But: In all categories, which I found so far (and please, I really belong to the people, through the manuals synonymous), I found this not preset. Can it then be that it has the auto-detection is running? So just enter the HDV and the rest of alone?
Besten Gruß
Antwort von Natevi:

Or do I have in the sequences Choice "Apple ProRes 422 (HQ) 1280 x 720 50p 48 kHz" take.
So I am quite the distinction between the setting for "sequence" and "Recording" is still not clear.
Is it to be understood that when you capture in this codec is converted?
Antwort von Axel:
Or do I have in the sequences Choice "Apple ProRes 422 (HQ) 1280 x 720 50p 48 kHz" take. No.. You have one of the - really! - Rare bugs in Final Cut Pro at the first step with the sales crush! The presets are "da", they are only in the German version is not "always" appear identical. You have two options:
- The whole system (MAC) to "English" switch (kA * expensive * as it is, or how expensive it is to undo), once the preset HDV720p50 call to switch back to German, then it is " da ".
- Easy * with * your the "HDV" setting gecaptureten clips into a timeline HDV720p
25 draw. Final Cut Pro should then ask whether the sequence settings according to the material properties should be adjusted. Who knows? Once used, the preset appears perhaps synonymous in the list. Can not test myself because no JVC users.
So I am quite the distinction between the setting for "sequence" and "Recording" is still not clear. Recording and sequence settings may differ. Eg here is this: is the whole HDV stuff when recording only certain protocols must be adhered to in the timeline, then the material must be interpreted correctly. You wrote that you come of "analog"? Then a clear picture of a former photo lab: All negative color films have been through the same developer dragged (C41 process), for filtering the individual's different emulsions were then filter-presets in the magnification.
Can it then be that it has the auto-detection is running? So just enter the HDV and the rest of alone? So roughly, without warranty of any kind in your case, at any rate is fortunately not give rise to any memory-hungry and lossy format conversions.
Antwort von Natevi:

rare bugs,
s.weia and when the A-switch.
Now I have the first HDV material and tries to log in to take over, according to instructions,
I get it synonymous over, however, flying blind, because the frame I can not see, synonymous the Jog Wheel is not visible. I notice, however, that the Time Code in Final Cut Pro displays 25 fps, the camera is but 50, it shows the TC at synonymous.
So I have been at Studio 50 fps pretend. But how?
Antwort von Axel:

This here is a field, forest and meadow forum. You better ask your question again here:
Good luck, will schiefgehn.
Antwort von Noctua:

Yes thank you,
but with the tip of the country's attitude was right, something that has lasted, the rauszutüfteln,
30 years without a Mac are not as easy to forget.
Now agrees with the time code with the Cam but agree. Only the picture I do not synchronously. But true to me other times s.das forum.
Axel you ever thank you.