Frage von SebiG:
Is there a cheap, but good audio recorder, which with 1 or 2 XLR inputs for microphones equipped and possibly even phantom power supplies?
What is there to respect?
Antwort von SebiG:

... and it would be possible, the sound also durchzuschleifen to him on the tape just to save? Thus, where the synchronization and the recorder could still operate separately ....
Antwort von SebiG:
Is there a cheap, but good audio recorder, which with 1 or 2 XLR inputs for microphones equipped and possibly even phantom power supplies?
What is there to respect? Most of the small audio recorder 300 euros have balanced inputs and phantom power. Some come for reasons of space instead of XLR connectors 3polige jacks are used, then you need adapter halt.
... and it would be possible, the sound also durchzuschleifen to him on the tape just to save? Thus, where the synchronization and the recorder could still operate separately .... Either you grind through (then you are bound with cable), or use the recorder separately (you can not looping).
What is needed is the looping anyway. As a "pilot" to the external later recorded sound easier to create, simply synonymous of sound from the camcorder micro.
Antwort von SebiG:

How exactly is this with the looping - just like the radio?
It is as synonymous drum holding that the recorder as a XLR adapter for the camcorder is used, but is universal. Would this work?
I just had the Zoom H4 of views, which is indeed quite good. If I go one or 2 XLR Miks connect - I can with the H4 then synonymous manual levels? Comfortable or a cramp?
And is it possible, just as the H4 adapter to use, so the signal durchzuschleifen and synchronously to tape record? I have read of sync errors, some of which occur to the speech was of 1-2 seconds to 1 hour reception.
What I do not need is the built-in Microphone ...
What kind of recorder to 300 ¬, there are, the XLR with phantom offer to manual levels can be through, maybe not the sync errors and have no integrated microphone?
Antwort von Natevi:

Since I can zoom H4 best friend, the use for some time, even the built in mics are very good. You can have a combi-connector 6.3 mm jack or XLR with phantom power plug. Lots of controls and with the price 299 ¬ can be clearly seen. That part works through the plastic housing a bit cheap, but the interior is great!
Do I have purchased.
Besten Gruß
Antwort von SebiG:

Can you find something to say through?
What exactly is with the manual auspegeln?
Have a little rumgeschaut and so far I have only read that one medium 3 band can switch levels - or is it different, more accurate?
Antwort von Natevi:

Goes through the headphone output and the USB interface, you can also directly access it with a PC or Mac.
The manual Auspegeln is synonymous good, although I must say that the
Controls all of course are very delicate, and synonymous, the display is very small. This one has quickly under control. What was initially a bit, the menu control on a Wipptaste and a so-called jog Datenrad, this is just handy.
The menu is but logical that the choice of input source (internal / external) to quickly and easily.
The battery consumption remains very limited.
If the part really only recommend and the sound with the einebauten Mic is very good.
Antwort von Natevi:

Addendum to Level:
There is a three-code switch for both the inputs and Line In addition to the menu option to limit the level. Basically it is for everything.
Besten Gruß
Antwort von SebiG:

I would with any external device Microphone mostly operate, so to me that the XLR connector so synonymous is so important.
The looping s.Mac / PC is actually clear, but does the quality synonymous with free s.einen camcorder input jack? That would be a criterion with which I would like to have met.
Antwort von Natevi:

That will probably not go, because you then click the Störsignalfilterung symmetric input by the need to renounce because you have only a simple signal from the Headphones for you, based on the camcorder will.
So I would not do so.
Therefore you should consider whether it really is necessary.
Dear Simply ne stone already and you can synchronize the sound perfectly, saves you a lot of wiring, the device that you can wear loose s.Mann.
Antwort von Natevi:

Was a bit unclear formulated!
Would go there, but you did not take advantage of the balanced XLR signal. And you should not give up. Nothing is worse than hum in the sound.
Antwort von Meggs:

Would go there, but you did not take advantage of the balanced XLR signal. And you should not give up. Nothing is worse than hum in the sound. The signal from the micro to the recorder remains symmetrical. This route is the most critical, because micro cables are usually long, and the mic signal is very weak. The short cable of maybe 50 cm from the recorder to your camcorder with the line-level output of the headphone hum is fairly unlikely, especially since both devices do not depend s.Stromnetz.
Antwort von Meggs:

Would go there, but you did not take advantage of the balanced XLR signal. And you should not give up. Nothing is worse than hum in the sound. The signal from the micro to the recorder remains symmetrical. This route is the most critical, because micro cables are usually long, and the mic signal is very weak. The short cable of maybe 50 cm from the recorder to your camcorder with the line-level output of the headphone hum is fairly unlikely, especially since both devices do not depend s.Stromnetz.
The looping is not worth considering because of the zoom's and many other recorder synonymous with longer shots are not synchronously camcorder to stay.
Antwort von Natevi:

@ Meggen
Since you legally have allowed, I will always hold ALL exclusive.
Besten Gruß
Antwort von SebiG:

Thank you very much!
Precisely because the problem is: The mix of long sequences, when the sound is asynchronously. I would therefore like to have both options open: External operate, but through synonymous.
This must not be Qualitätsverlustbehaftet - is it?
And I can easily make by getting a cable jack on jack and thus take the headphone output with the mic jack of your camcorder, connect? Should I really be Camcorde MIC or LINE ask? I do the former, or the recorder provides a line voltage? Have I lost or not?
Antwort von SebiG:

and how to do it in the fall with the levels?
I know only of his SQN, since the camera is in analogy to so-8dB and digital to about-20dB ausgepegelt. How do I soeinem case?
I level the recorder - but as I level the camera?
The white one?
Antwort von Natevi:

The recorder provides 50 mW p.32 ohm output and s.Headphones has incidentally still has a master output jack (Line-Out) with a load impedance of 10kOhm, I completely forgot, because I still have niebenutzt. Doing so should you loose the line input of Cam feed can.
I hear the O sound in the recording with a Sennheiser HD280 pro, because I have still noticed no quality loss, but I have measured yet. "Ears" is probably ok.
The connection would then actually Klinke - Klinke.
What I still have never tasted, is how large the delay in Umcodieren of the sound signal to output.
But I believe that it is negligible.
Antwort von SebiG:

Okay, thank you for your detailed info! :)
Antwort von Meggs:
Should I really be Camcorde MIC or LINE ask? I do the former, or the recorder provides a line voltage? Have I lost or not? Can you use your camcorder as to make Line? Most camcorders have only NEN Micro input. Theoretically, you have losses, they should practically not very large.
I level the recorder - but as I level the camera?
The camcorder level you normally, in theory up to 0 db, practically anything underneath.
If the camcorder a line-input recorder and a line of output has, you can keep the recorder also normal levels. If the camcorder, but only one input has Micro, you can connect the recorder to only about -30 dB levels. In this case, synonymous rather the above-mentioned losses.
Antwort von Natevi:

Now, dear unknown guest
it has left me no peace and times I've tried:
Sennheiser MD 421 s.den Zoom via XLR - between 5 m cable, about 60 cm-jack mic input jack for a Panasonic GS500
First attempt with car scheme: Terrible
Second attempt with manual control to - 30 dB everything clear.
That was useful.
Besten Gruß Diethelm