Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Aurora provides 8x HDMI Switcher in front of rob - 30 Jan 2008 11:08:00 Aurora has just released its new 8x HDMI Matrix Switcher presented. This is an arbitrary circuit of up to 8 parallel HD streams possible. Through support of HDCP can be synonymous protected content can be played. As a player are settop boxes, BlueRay, HD-DVD player or hard disk systems. In the U.S., the device for 7499, - Dollar offered.
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Antwort von Kanalratte:

So then, I can thus spend to 8 displays.
Synonymous, but I could if I have 8 displays (eg plasma or LCD TVs), which connect individual devices directly.
Why then the switch for $ 7500.00?
Or have I misunderstood something?
Antwort von Blood Angel:

This is more for the studio thought that if I for example, in his tower multiple HDMI devices are available, which I ne MAZ NEN control and monitor routes must be ... sowas in the art ..