Frage von Joschimon:Hi All,
When playing a more even playing older DVD (; PAL) occurs the following problem: The picture is good for VHS standard, the stereo sound synonymous, but (my VCR; SonySLV-SE630) jumps repeatedly between mono and stereo out and her , and the monotonous sounds really terrible.
Has anyone any idea how I could get the VCR to not jump to mono? Could it help to try another recorder (; synonymous with my parents and grandparents, all Sony devices from that time)?
Namely, the tape I want to digitize (; have it straight) just get what I always do otherwise synonymous with tape to prevent wear.
Antwort von timmeyy:
You have probably only the "Track Location" setting once,
which is different for each video (much like the image line
) on celluloid.
When does the new video recorders (usually when the film is running)
s.Tasten with the program on /. Or do you guggst times in the instructions.
Declaration of the track position:
Antwort von Joschimon:
In order to track location is in the instructions for anything, but I guess that is synonymous to the "tracking" in line with the mean wandering star, what is he doing at a just inserted cassette auto. And when I press the two program buttons, nothing happens synonymous. : /