Frage von iM:Hello Slashcam,
anticipated, a thanks here s.alle parties, this forum has helped me many times, without which I myself had to ask a question. So thanks s.alle questioner and responder.
Zzt I work s.einem multicamera project because with four cameras was recorded simultaneously. Normally I have synced my clips in a separate sequence exactly (but since we do not use a single time code when recording) and then in the source clips using an In point at the synchronized group.
Now had a recording at one of the cameras a failure and I can no longer work with the in-point method, because I have two clips of a camera. So I wanted the material group using the Auxiliary TCs.
I have had my clip as syncrhonisiert in a sequence and apply according to the first frame of the clips from the sequence as the TC-TC aux for each clip and then grouped.
This seems to work good at first, not with 3 of 4 cameras, but with an. It is no longer in the Group Clip synchronously.
I checked every step again, the clips are in the sequence from which I "borrow" the TC definitely synchronously and synonymous, the method can therefore not be wrong, since I do with the 4 other clips have success, synonymous with the 2 clips had a camera to center a failure.
Maybe someone has an idea why this might be.
For completeness: I work with Avid MC 5 and an HP Z400
I would be glad if someone could give aid.
Gregory mfg
Antwort von fsm:
I do if I have 2 clips of a camera in multicam mode, always a videomixdown natvien in the resolution. will mean I cut myself, the two clips in a row, set the time code of the sequence to the source code from the first time clip, add the appropriate pause in between a NEN, do videomixdown, and treat s.da s.den clip as a source clip of the camera .
has functioned without problems, only the mix-down is large.