Frage von Gerhard:![](
I have a problem I have with my Viedeocamera 3 Avi Teike about 9 gb
I would like to join the parts so it is a file, I searched on the internet since yesterday but did not become really find it, I have downloaded Nandub synonymous Virtualreality dub or where male avis supposedly can join, but I always get this announcement
[URL =] [IMG] [/ IMG ] [/ URL]
Is there any where I Solve Problems
Maybe, or any other proogi
which is synonymous German
I hope you can help me
Antwort von Tobias:
[quote = "(User Above)"]
: Hi
I have a problem I have with my Viedeocamera 3 Avi Teike about 9 gb
I would like to join the parts so happy that it is a file, I have since yesterday
: Searched the Internet but did not become really find it, I have synonymous
: Virtualreality dub or Nandub downloaded, join where supposedly male avis
: Can, but I always get this message
: [URL =] [IMG] [/ IMG] [/ URL]
: Is there something, where I Solve Problems
: Maybe, or any other proogi
What is synonymous German
: I hope you can help me
[/ quote]
You have with your digital camera and it was filmed in 3 files copied to the computer?
why do not you copy everything directly into a file of the camera?
Antwort von Gerhard:
: Hi
I have a problem I have with my Viedeocamera 3 Avi Teike about 9 gb
I would like to join the parts so happy that it is a file, I have since yesterday
: Searched the Internet but did not become really find it, I have synonymous
: Virtualreality dub or Nandub downloaded, join where supposedly male avis
: Can, but I always get this message
: :
: Is there something, where I Solve Problems
: Maybe, or any other proogi
What is synonymous German
: I hope you can help me
Antwort von Tobias:
: How to go to the
I would like to make dan a dvd so that it is a part
So, works for me with vitrtual dub.
Video 1 show, then select the "file -> append avi segment" and then video 2 and 3 dazufügen. then re-render, and voila: it is a piece.
it is synonymous with the Canopus Procoder open multiple files and select the small kästschen "Stitch" and then render, then it adds the parts together synonymous.
with other converters I've tried it yet.
Antwort von Gerhard:
how to go to the
I want to create the dan a dvd so it is a part