Frage von Klaus Meier:
I got me a camcorder MiciDV bought, and now wanted to work and freshly cut.
To historial:
I take a lot via DVB-T on, then demux with ProjectX or PVA Strumento, then cut with Cuttermaran, and create with TMPGEnc dvdauthor snippets from a DVD.
Outward and return synonymous Divx / Avis from online to TV recorders, which I with TMPGencPlus into mpeg format to bring them to demux / cut / author (very poor quality) but they are only to view and delete it.
On the Calculator (WindXP) is still Studio Quickstart version 8 installed (old überbleibse from where I Teit all VHS cassettes to your PC geschubst did.
Now I have a recording of the camcorder to the PC via FW and brought Quickstart and have as an AVI file.
What do I do now with the? Programs are given above for any progressive to use?
I just want to rough cut (not necessarily exactly frame) and the results bring to a DVD (like with TMPGEnc DVD Author)
I have with the Scenelayzer just downloaded, and this is a Bohemian village for me.
Is it recommended the same to MPEG Avi to bring the authoring program is coded not new, if the format is correct. ?
Somehow, I see now the forest for the trees not.
I once with Studio Quick Start 8 tries to spend as MPEG, but the picture was awful, the camera takes to 16:9, and the spending is done on the calculator to see the 4:3 accordingly heads.
Thank you ever been provided before
Klaus Meier
Antwort von lehrling:

Hi Klaus,
People live on your film even if you with the editing is finished? :-)
Seriously, it's easier.
Go to
invite to 'video-freaks' the data-processing managers and VirtualDub starter pack (has a Dolby AC-3 encoder)
A DivX encoder do you have?
1. Of the rib with DV Cam Manager (why is on the page in brief, with computers, you can power the synonymous VirtualDub take RKS).
2. Loading the result in VD and cut and filter.
3. Export as an AVI with DivX "On schnellsen" with a rate of 4000kB / s and a scalierten Width of 704pixel On.
(Many will say that PAL is 720th Then smile! The standard is not PAL but CCIR and 720 is black, including shoulder, etc.)
The above settings result in a very large file, but no preference, it is only the source of step 4 and will then no longer needed.
4. TMPGEnc DVD Author 3 may file with all these possibilities (chapters marks, transcoding, etc.) to import the rest you know.
Have fun, Roni
Reingestolpert am here, I do not know whether I find this page again.
You may not all clear.
In RulerNet is a contact address, the old man happy to help, sometimes synonymous when it's time, he travels a lot.