Frage von netz-rack.c:
I have a AviSynth script in which I per AudioDub (video, audio) audio and video leads together again. Unfortunately, the sound in Adobe Premiere Pro. (The audio track is not muted;))
At the same time I noticed in my experiments, that the sound is still a 16bit display, if I consider it synonymous (by AviSynth) on 32bit highly accountable. Also, it seems to make no difference if I change the audio track buffer or not.
If I, however, the AVS script in a player, the sound is promptly available.
For completeness, here again the script, which is IMHO not a problem but should make:
[code: 1:20 d47fe7f3]
video = MPEG2Source ( "D: \ Temp \ Rebecca Horn \ demuxed \ RebeccaHorn.d2v")
Audio WAVSource = ( "D: \ Temp \ Rebecca Horn \ demuxed \ Rebecca Horn T012_0ch 192kbps DELAY 40ms.wav"). Audio Delay (-0,040)
Audio32 = ConvertAudioTo32bit (audio). Audio Buffer ()
AV = AudioDub (video, Audio32)
A return
[/ code: 1:20 d47fe7f3]
Yours sincerely,
Carsten Schmid
Ps: Forums Google search and I've used since about 2 days searching I still do nothing!
:: EDIT: straightened breaks:)
Antwort von Stefan:

If yes, then "return AV", but that's probably just a typo.
APP may have remains of the previous erroneous Einleseversuchen intus, the first is to delete. One attempt is worth it:
Which Avisynth Import plugin you use with APP? Maybe it's an attitude thing with this plugin. For AP and Link2 you had under XP as the RAW audio mode.
Good luck
The thick Stefan
Antwort von netz-rack.c:

thanks for the quick help, but unfortunately I can not synonymous next.
First, I have the whole project is deleted and removed all folders, as well as in the premiere Arbeitslafwerke changed. >> No effect.
With the plugin, I am not sure I have it on several different make of newly downloaded and installed, but synonymous here, I could detect no difference.
I use Premiere AVS Plugin 1.5
Link2 unfortunately I could not test (stupid Buget restrictions on 0,-g * EUR)
Antwort von Stefan:

As what is the video out later from APP exported?
Maybe you can with a real intermediate file, for example, to create with Virtualdub. As an intermediate codec, you can if necessary, a low-loss DV codec, MJPEG or lossless Huffyuv use.
If you have a lot in APP processing, the intermediate file fast eh more sense than the slow path through Frameserven.
Good luck
The thick Stefan
Antwort von netz-rack.c:

naja much do I edit most not APP, glichzeitig plate, however, is an absolute shortage of space, so I eigendlich distance of this idea had taken.
(I had it ever been associated: NTSC and PAL in a project to cut, but have slightly different solution ne ...)
From APP do I export to mpeg2 usually a EncoreDVD with it on DVD to burn.