Frage von paan:
I have a small problem when exporting my sequence in AVID Media Composer.
And although I want them as uncompressed AVI off.
Only he says to me every time, after a while that the maximum size
(I think 2GB) is reached and it stops now.
Uncompressed AVIs are holding quite large and that is okay as synonymous.
why can I not export infinite, like FinalCut Pro or Premiere?
My sequence is 8min long, not the world.
help please!
PS: quicktime export of works and is fast.
Antwort von postblack:

the same problem I have synonymous. Qicktime Movies
can be as large as possible, but for AVIs
after it breaks from 2GB. We found various attempts to
such as new codecs, nothing.
The only tip: Look, whether it is s.deiner hard drive.
If your disk is formatted to Fat32, you can no longer
than 2 or 4 GB rausgeben. NTFS disks can be fully
Sizes. I have all the disk to NTFS formatted. It must
somehow with the settings in the program or Windows itself to do
have. Anders, I can not explain it to me.
Antwort von emu:
Antwort von paan:

have synonymous NTFS.
Now have temporarily solved the problem as:
- Export as QuickTime (Gleiche s.Source)
- Re-Encode as DV-AVI with SUPER (encoder)
I'm not sure if I have data loss / degradation have.
or how big this is.
The DV-AVI has a very similar size as the Quicktime.
Antwort von the_count:

avis bigger than 2 gig avid exported principally nich, das is never gone, will probably never go. avid is extreem meticulously, which is probably the price for which it never crashes. mach quicktime or dv stream. usually only want eh mpeg expected to check this quicktime reference purposes, then your movie is only 200kb