Frage von Siebi:
Hello everybody!
Yesterday, Avid crashed. The Project (4 months of work ...) is still open, only ONE I can not be opened: The, the cutting data, ie the sequence contains chopped. The film is virtually WAY !!!!!!! Attempts to open the bin with Avid acknowledged the error message:
"Can not delete mob because it is still being referenced"
... What always synonymous mean like ... Have already tried all sorts ranging from manually delete the file in the mob OMFI Media Files folder to import the bin into a new empty project to another calculator. Always with the same error message as a result ...
My last idea: somehow try to make the "data" bin in another application to open to any s.die stored sequences to come.
Has someone an idea about this? -Perhaps there is of Avid itself a tool for it?
In hopeful anticipation
Antwort von emu:

Have you ever in the Attic folder on the disk compatriots, if you perhaps have an older version of the bins can recover? Avid stores persistent between yes and so can you maybe on an older version back - took me at least a few times already saved.
Antwort von Nio:

I would especially rescue attempts and so in any case, the data on ne CD burn. Otherwise s.ende hast no Changse more. And when months of work, it is advisable in any case, at least once per week to make backup NEN.
Antwort von Siebi:

The Attic was synonymous my first idea. Unfortunately I had to find that Avid at 100th in the version of the data-bins has ceased, and This one file is always overwritten has re ... (Has Avid maybe not expected that the 100 full gemand kriegt ... ;-)) The next version that I've found, is one months back, in the worst case I would have to start again since then, but just the last month consisted of a bunch of "Gefriemel" So complicated effects and audio painstaking corrections, and I would again be reluctant to take me to ...
The EDL Manager, Avid yes of everything from house, incidentally, fails ebenfaslls on opening the bin, with the same error message ...
Antwort von Nio:

Who came to the idea. Bin files on the subject? Sounds like garbage ...
Achso was yes MS
Antwort von emu:

It dates back to times where you had to cut without a computer: a bin was, therefore, the tank in the film role came. The term was simply taken over and is synonymous in principle nothing more than a repository of files, sequences, etc. dar.
Therefore it is not. Bin files (which are synonymous's - are image files), but it is the folder that no longer can be opened.
But to the real problem to come back: if you are with the Attic folder weiterkommst not, I would advise you times the problem in the U.S. forum to post, since the real specialists tend to be found there (the forum is here in terms of Avid little busy - at least my impression).
Although I'd been synonymous so s.and s.mal a problem, but quite rare and so far I was able to sequence the Attic folder always recover.
However, after I secure my first problem in this direction within the project every few hours several copies of the sequences in various bins and then again the s.Tagesende squence from the Attic folder in a separate directory - you never know ;-).
Good luck.