Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Avid DS Nitris Trainigsversion of rudi - 13 Sep 2006 08:44:00 Many years ago one of our editors sat in amazement s.einem system called SoftimageDS. At the time, this system was running on a Dual Pentium II with 2 x 400 MHz and performed in line (mainly software) almost against all odds: Color correction in real-time keying in real time and was at all in this system pretty much everything available, and one of a dream - Compositing-/Editing-System could be expected. And all in one interface. Only the price was about 150,000 German marks but with a considerable investment hurdle. Meanwhile, the system of Avid was bought and lived there (with a similar pricing next) under the name DS Nitris.
Now such high-priced systems have a problem: If everything does not come packed in an area around a steep learning curve, and so it happens that the number of active Nitris DS-cutters in Germany can probably count s.hundert hands. But who provides a system to cut price of a condo in his studio, where there are no editors who have mastered the program? And probably for this reason can be found on the net a specially-programmed version of the otherwise hardly affordable training program. However, there are obviously some limitations: The biggest hook the lack of output can be expected. In addition, the file format was changed so that projects can only exchange in the training versions.
Nevertheless, it can ignite with this package, then Plan B:
1. Nitris Learning
2. are highly paid Nitris Cutter
3. Orders slaving
4. World Domination
or something like that
Antwort von CUT:

And where I can now download the trial version??
Antwort von rush:
And where I can now download the trial version?? where you follow the link ... ;)
There then appears on the following page ...